i think you gys are misrepresenting john
what he is talking about is the adable voice of god ,,being led by that is the contex
also i noticed he preached at one of the bibgests carasmatic churches ,,pasted by greg lauri,in america
the carsamatic greg lauri concidered john and a great man of god ,,,,,,,
men like jonathen edwared believe much the same but are both led by the holy spirit ,in the contex of what the spirt has taught them through scripture ,ilumnation of the scripture ,and then the practical aplication of it as the spirit leds ,is what he is talking about
you brothers and sisters are verry quick to judge with out have a full understanding of the matter
john was well excepted by carasmatics in some circules
and he excepted them as brotrhers in christs ,he preached to them as tho they were brethern
google greg laurrie ,and find is web site ,you may be able to find the sermon he preached in this fully carsmatic church
verry christ centerd sermon ,,probably the best iv seen my self from john
having said that ,,,,i defenity dont agree on all of john views
but brothers we shouldent be so hasty in condeming men like paull washer ,and macarther , or weasly ,or edwared ,,who are all concidered cesasinists |