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Discussion Forum : News and Current Events : TO THE SCOTS

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Joined: 2006/5/22
Posts: 2680
Nottingham, England


It might be quite pointless starting this thread, as the people to hear from might not be able to answer.

I'm speaking concerning those in Scotland, which is now being battered with winds of up to 165mph.

As it is, most are without power, so they might not be able to, or not want to be on the computer right now.

Here in Nottingham, the winds are 40mph, and its raining quite a lot. I just can't begin to imagine what they are going through in Scotland.

Details are on the BBC news website and are updated rapidly.

If there is anyone you can think of personally, please keep them in prayer.

That's it.

God bless.

 2011/12/8 11:25Profile


HI Enid,

My parents are hunkering down. I believe the schools are cancelled. There are so many old slate roofs and chimneys that it makes it extremely dangerous......... bro Frank

 2011/12/8 12:57

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