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Joined: 2010/1/19
Posts: 2

 Re: I am shocked and need to share it now...

Hey I think I know what church it is. It was my church also. I love that church. But I decided to leave when they did the thriller song that sunday it the church in Gainesville ga.

 2011/12/7 15:18Profile

Joined: 2007/9/13
Posts: 1752


This gets us into some territory that is better left for personal conviction.

If we start to regulate movement, specifically keeping in shape movement, where does it end?

Being a man, I do not think that doing Zumba at church or in a co-ed setting is appropriate. This is my personal opinion. But to say that a women or man should only work out in the privacy of their own dwelling, away from children, windows, sun... is silly.

The hard part about this is that some moves that are made while working out, can be "sexual" in nature. does this make the moves bad? No. It is the sin in us that makes it bad, not the move itself.

Example. In the health club that I have attended, there is a leg machine that works the inner leg muscle, located on the inside of both legs. The only way to work this muscle, is to open and close your legs exerting force to this muscle.

Does this mean that no one should use this machine since it has a possible sexual motion to it when using the machine?

I guess the bottom line is that if you are convicted by this, and have approached the leadership about the issue without resolve, it is better that you follow the convictions from the Lord and move on, or stay put as you are lead.


 2011/12/7 15:22Profile

Joined: 2010/11/24
Posts: 458


Please moderators will you close this and stop this discussion?


 2011/12/7 15:38Profile


We can't compare Zumba dancing or whatever it's called with biblical examples, there is just none. We could say that David danced before the Lord, that was before the Lord, it's not the same in this instance. It's not an individuals choice where one person may go and take dancing lessons which is perfectly fine if you can allow such things into your faith. But this is a whole Church bringing in a worldly substance that has nothing to do with the salvation and nurturing of saints and sinners.

This reminds me of a Sister that wrote to me to tell me something that shocked her. She wasn't upset in the way of being offended, but like Browny, in tears over the state of how far we have fallen. It was a house fellowship where both the Pastor and his congregants were sitting around drinking beer. Totally unsatisfactory and not becoming as a congregation.

Both instances of dancing and drinking alcohol substances have nothing to do with how the bible instructs us how to deal with alcohol and this has nothing to do with how the bible gives us examples regarding dancing. When we use the bible to justify these things we are heading for disaster.

The motive and intent is what God is looking at and I can guarantee everyone here that if any Pastor is on his knees seeking the face of God, he will not be looking to the world to bring the world into the Church.

Who brings in a wild animal and introduce it to the nursery?

It looks nice, it looks gentle there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with this. While sinners are going to hell in a hand basket and our loved ones are in sin we are hooping it up dancing to Tip Toe Through The Tulips.

This is not a time for dancing, it's a time to awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light. We are in desperate need for light.

 2011/12/7 16:28

Joined: 2005/6/18
Posts: 1481


hi, i would not have co-ed aerobic exercise including zumba. this was added later in the blog. all of the zumba classes in my area are for ladies only.i also sould not be turned on by being there. if you are Christ centered and your deep desires are to obey and please Jesus then you can go about anywhere with out having battles with the flesh but if you have these battles avoid these areas but most of all mortify your members and become more Christ centered. some folks can go and others can not.i know of a couple that fell in love at a church picnic but that doesn't mean picnicking is immoral.

 2011/12/7 17:23Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534



God bless you. It warms my heart to hear of others who have convictions and are willing to act on them. God bless you...


Sandra Miller

 2011/12/7 17:35Profile

Joined: 2011/1/25
Posts: 19


"jimp said, dear narrowpath, i understand that you are so holy and intolerant to leave a church in the middle of a service but..."

I haven't been following this thread while it was going but I appreciate the comments shared.

Also, just a note to jimp ... in all kindness I just wonder if you had not just said a few posts before this one, that it is not your place to judge others in the Church (family of Christ)?

- - -

May we be found faithful to the end for "straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find it."

God bless you, Sister (Browny). May we keep praying so that day may not overtake us by surprise. And also that others may awake before it's too late!

 2011/12/7 18:14Profile

Joined: 2010/1/8
Posts: 11

 Leonard Ravenhill saw this coming years ago

Browny, I have not read the other posts but thought you might like two statements of Leonard Ravenhill taken from Letters he wrote to my mother.

"So Barbara Mandrell, the singer of lusty ballads and last years entertainer of the year, is going to sing at the opening of Oral Roberts “City of Faith” Maybe some zealous soul will yet invent ‘sanctified’ Bingo?"

"A popular Baptist Church not too far from us started with Christian Drama, it is “so expressive and reaches the young people.” It is now doing Fiddler on the Roof and other junk. These are all signs to the world that we have lost our anointing and will use their tools to try to do what is of the Kingdom. In other words we began in the Spirit and now try to finish off in the flesh."

But Browny... Do not fear ... and in all thing give thanks. He is in control and
at work. He is preparing His Bride and she will be beautiful! Press On!

Meri Beth Morris

 2011/12/7 21:21Profile

Joined: 2010/1/8
Posts: 11

 Leonard Ravenhill saw this coming years ago

Browny, I have not read the other posts but thought you might like two statements of Leonard Ravenhill taken from Letters he wrote to my mother.

"So Barbara Mandrell, the singer of lusty ballads and last years entertainer of the year, is going to sing at the opening of Oral Roberts “City of Faith” Maybe some zealous soul will yet invent ‘sanctified’ Bingo?"

"A popular Baptist Church not too far from us started with Christian Drama, it is “so expressive and reaches the young people.” It is now doing Fiddler on the Roof and other junk. These are all signs to the world that we have lost our anointing and will use their tools to try to do what is of the Kingdom. In other words we began in the Spirit and now try to finish off in the flesh."

But Browny... Do not fear ... and in all thing give thanks. He is in control and
at work. He is preparing His Bride and she will be beautiful! Press On!

Meri Beth Morris

 2011/12/7 21:25Profile

Joined: 2010/6/29
Posts: 156
SK Canada


I find it hard to believe that some of you turned this into a debate over whether Zumba is dancing or not and whether it is ok if genders are mixed. The issue is really why the church is turning into a worldly entertainment centre while people are going to hell left and right. It is a reason to grieve indeed! Thank you for posting this, Brownie, it must be brought up and your tears are shared by many.

If a Christian wants to do Zumba it is between her and God and she can join a fitness club if she wants to, but what business does the church have to make provisions for that? No, not even in their "gym" (why do they have one? that money could have built a church or four in another country!) Or with yoga classes, or with hockey tournaments (only in Canada!) for that matter.

The great commission is very clear, isn't it? Mt 28:19,20 What other commands did the Lord give his church? Make your churches a cool, fun place? Do whatever you can to please everyone? Go with the spirit of the times? The great malady is that people do no longer want to lose their lives that Christ may live in them but they want to add Christ to their life to bring meaning to it, and hopefully health and prosperity, and oh yes, fitness, yey!. It is so self-centred, it stinks to heaven and it has nothing to do with true Christianity as it ignores obedience to the Word.

Do not most of us believe that we live in the end times? We need to get serious and quit playing games. Let the world distract itself from the fact that it is going down the path of destruction but let all true Christians turn their eyes to Jesus and spend much time witnessing and on their knees and serving Him in whatever capacity He sees fit. You are not your own, remember? You were bought at the price of His blood! Come out from among those who love the world and the things in the world, for the love of the Father is not in them. James 2:15-17

 2011/12/7 23:41Profile

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