Rowland Hill illustrated the folly of sinners, by the story of a butcher who was followed by the swine right into the slaughterhouse. As pigs are not usually in the mind to go where they are wanted, it seemed a mystery how these animals were so eager to follow their executioner; but when it was seen that he wisely carried a bag of corn with which he enticed the creatures onwardthe riddle was solved at once. Unsuspicious of impending deaththe hogs cared only for the passing gratification of their appetites, and hastened to the slaughter. Just in the same manner, ungodly men follow the great enemy of souls down into the jaws of hell, merely because their depraved passions are pleased with the lusts of the flesh and the pleasures of sin which the devil gives them by handfuls on the road. Alas, that there should be such likeness between men and swine!The joys of sin are so short and so unsatisfactory, that they can never be thought of for a momentas a fitting inducement for a rational being to lose his immortal soul. Will a few hours' foolery, gambling, drinking, or immorality compensate for eternal fire? Is the momentary indulgence of a base passion, worth . . . enduring of flames which never can be quenched, eternally moaning in vain for a drop of water, being tormented by the never dying worm, being shut out from heaven forever, being eternally cursed by God! Is any sin worth all this? Can any gain make up for this? O you who delight in the poisonous sweets of sinremember that though pleasant in the mouth for the momentsin will be as wormwood and gall in your belly forever! Why will you swallow the baitwhen you know that the hook is there? Why will you be lured by the Satanic fowler? Surely in vain is the net spread in the sight of any bird; but you are more foolish than the birdsand fly into the snare when you know it to be there! O that you were wise, and would consider your latter end. Let that one word "Eternity!" ring in your ears, and drive out the giddy laughter of worldlings, who prefer the present sensual joys.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Oh, Greg, if you only knew how fit a comparison this is of man! Hungry hogs would try to run over you if they could to get that corn. And not only that, once you pour it into the trough, they will crowd each other to get to it - hence the term piggish or hoggish. They are NOT courteous, or polite in this - they may snarl and bite...You do not want to get in the way of a hungry hog and his feed!I can just see it because I have seen it many times when Dad or my husband fed the hogs...Ahhhh, the comparison is so fitting, so true. Taking this analogy one step further: when a Christian works to get between an ungodly man and his appetite, he will snarl at you and bite you as well! (A boar one time took a chunk out of my husband's thigh when he got in his required medical attention.)QUOTE:"Why will you swallow the baitwhen you know that the hook is there?"It is because of the pleasure one experiences, even though it is brief. Since this is the case they will hanker for more and more because its satisfaction is so short lived, hence people's addiction to sin. One does not fool with sin and not get burned.Very timely and edifying post, Greg.
_________________Sandra Miller
I can just see it because I have seen it many times when Dad or my husband fed the hogs...Ahhhh, the comparison is so fitting, so true.
The joys of sin are so short and so unsatisfactory, that they can never be thought of for a momentas a fitting inducement for a rational being to lose his immortal soul.