Poster | Thread | timg Member
Joined: 2008/8/23 Posts: 100
| Re: | | Oh how much I want to be filled with His Spirit, yet I am so confused by teachings from even the times of my youth. I have read that portion of Acts over and over and yet I am so filled with doubt over the baptism of His Spirit. Is it really for me? I want to expect it. Yet I am still filled with doubt. If it were tears that produced this filling I can assure you, I would be filled. Should I pray for faith. Have you recieved the Holy Spirit? Was there a transformation in your life? I want to be a new creature. |
| 2011/12/6 10:15 | Profile | Sree Member
Joined: 2011/8/20 Posts: 1953
| Re: | | Quote:
One question though, Is it a sin to be discontent with my spiritual state?
Not at all! Though there are many here who believe in some kind of finished work and believe we are already perfected which I feel is not according to word of God. The greatest men of God of both this age (like Brother Zac, Keith Daniel) and in early Church history ( like Paul himself) were always pressing on towards perfection. The word that I will give you is Philippians 3-12:- Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.
I would like to share Brother Zac Poonan's testimony. When he was young he prayed to God that he is ready to even wait for 10 years if that is what it takes for him to receive the real Baptism of Holy Spirit. Not that Baptism that many television preachers are deceiving people with but a true experience (like what you have quoted). And God made him wait exactly 10 years and then he received the real baptism that he was looking for based on scriptures.
According to me, the proof of you being Born again is having the seed of God that will always convict you of your everyday sin and bring you to repentance, it will put a longing in you for a victorious life. And one day this longing will be fulfilled when you receive the Baptism of Holy Spirit.
_________________ Sreeram
| 2011/12/6 10:18 | Profile | Lysa Member
Joined: 2008/10/25 Posts: 3699 East TN for now!
| Re: timg | | Quote:
Oh how much I want to be filled with His Spirit, yet I am so confused by teachings from even the times of my youth. I have read that portion of Acts over and over and yet I am so filled with doubt over the baptism of His Spirit. Is it really for me? I want to expect it. Yet I am still filled with doubt. If it were tears that produced this filling I can assure you, I would be filled. Should I pray for faith? Have you received the Holy Spirit? Was there a transformation in your life? I want to be a new creature.
Its for you, if you want it. What are you confused over? Teachings that you have previously been taught compared to the Word of God?
The Law is our schoolmaster that leads us to Christ but that SAME Law led Paul to persecute and kill the Christians. This same word of God if not led by the Holy Spirit can lead us to the same thing. What Paul did was count all the Jewish teachings that he had been taught AS DUNG that he might gain Christ and we must do the same thing too (edit: we must do that same thing with our previous teachings).... for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord. (Phil 3.8)
FOR THE PROMISE IS FOR YOU and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself. (Acts 2.39) (edit: Peter wasn't talking about salvation, he was talking about what happened in the previous precious hours that occurred in that upper room!) Only believe, brother! And rest assured the Lord has called you to Himself or you would not even be asking!
Email me and I will send you some mp3s of sermons that might help you.
God bless you, Lisa _________________ Lisa
| 2011/12/6 10:58 | Profile | DieingtoLive Member
Joined: 2011/11/22 Posts: 66
| Re: | | Praise the Lord,
Isn't it just like our loving God to show us our needs? And w/ that then Hallelulla, I give thanks. Thank you Lord that you show me also I need more of You.
And don't we always need more of HIM?
Bless you brother for your courage to say the Truth!
I too am asking for more of HIM.
I'm also so very thankful for this site. I find the honesty, Gods love of everyone very inspiring.
He is present here and I am so thankful for His true church showing up and doing what he has called us to be. Loving in truth, edifying, longsuffering, considering the needs of others above our own, I could go on. That's what I've seen. Bless you dear saints.
My thoughts and forgive me for not giving the references.
"Open thy mouth wide and I will fill it!"
"Ask and recieve that your joy may be full"
"seek and ye shall find and knock and the door will be opened"
continue to be encouraged, keep reading (His Word) Thanks for sharing, Sis -k-
| 2011/12/6 14:01 | Profile | dietolive Member
Joined: 2007/6/29 Posts: 342
| Re: timg | | Dear timg,
A famous old time preacher once said that the abiding Witness of the Spirit was for all, yet all do not have the same experience. Yet the glory of the witness, no matter how manifested, was as clear and undoubtable to the believer as when standing in the full light and heat of the noonday sun...
My dear friend, I myself was praying some years ago, and suddenly, and without warning, a lifting up of all burdens and a rushing presence of the Love of God filled me all within. And yes, I did say "Abba Father!", over and over again, and even when I closed my mouth, the refrain repeated still in my mind. It went on and on for some time...
I had not been praying for "the Baptism of the Holy Ghost", or asking God for power or gifts or even a blessing as I recall. I was simply praying to God; pouring out my heart, THINKING ON JESUS, and praising Him...
My dear friend: believe. Believe that Jesus died FOR YOUR sins, and that God raised Him victoriously up again from the dead, thus CONQUERING YOUR death too.
"Turn us again, O God, and cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved." Psalm 80:3
Be well, and look to the blessed Saviour. Doug |
| 2011/12/6 15:17 | Profile | timg Member
Joined: 2008/8/23 Posts: 100
| Re: | | Thank you again for all the comments, verses and prayers. It is so encouraging to see true christian concern and love for others. In my heart I know that He promised us that if we believe in Him and the words that he said out of us would flow rivers of living water. I want the rivers not the trickles. Judging by the comments that I have read you are experiencing this very blessing. I will continue to seek Him who promises to give water that will quench the thirst that is there. Bless you all for your encouraging words. |
| 2011/12/6 19:38 | Profile | wijnand Member
Joined: 2006/3/31 Posts: 116
| Re: | | Know that you are not the only one seeking 'this gift' of God (Baptism of the Spirit). I have seen the last year a real need in my own life for Gods presence and reality that's missing at this moment. I know I am born of God, but I lack power and boldness and brokeness to be a through witness for Jesus (even though I am giving bible-study to family-members). Friends of mine to are getting stirred that there is more then we now experience!
Brother, let's pray that we may be filled to overflowing with Love, Power and Holiness! Let's pray until God moves in ways we haven't seen yet! He wants you to receive it more then you want to receive it! _________________ Wijnand de Ridder
| 2011/12/7 3:27 | Profile | DieingtoLive Member
Joined: 2011/11/22 Posts: 66
| | 2011/12/7 21:27 | Profile |