Poster | Thread |
| Where are the unschooled ordinary men? | | We read in Acts 4:13 that Peter and John were unschooled, ordinary men. Yet the Jewish leadership took note they had been with Jesus. Even Jesus was theologically uneducated by the standards of his day. The question was asked of him how this man got such learning without having studied (Jn.7:15). Jesus responded that his teaching came from the Father who sent him.
Yet I get the impression that there is a disdain for the average person who walks with Jesus. It is only the theological scholar that is respected. Even in this forum.
I find it interesting that those who are making the most impact for the kingdom are the common, ordinary people. Would that I woukd be a common, ordinary man and stay close to Jesus.
Blaine Scogin |
| 2011/12/3 14:54 | | rookie Member
Joined: 2003/6/3 Posts: 4821 Savannah TN
| Re: Where are the unschooled ordinary men? | | I have found that Calvary Chapel is blessed with many, many unschooled ordained pastors. _________________ Jeff Marshalek
| 2011/12/3 15:44 | Profile | staff Member
Joined: 2007/2/8 Posts: 2227
| Re: Where are the unschooled ordinary men? | | hi Martyr, In what way do you think the unschooled are not considered the same as in Acts? |
| 2011/12/3 15:45 | Profile | staff Member
Joined: 2007/2/8 Posts: 2227
| Re: | | hi Rookie, Is that not a contradiction "ordained" and "unschooled" or not?What schooling do you have attain before you can be ordained? Yours Staff |
| 2011/12/3 16:07 | Profile | Yeshuasboy Member
Joined: 2006/6/10 Posts: 668 Northern Rockies, BC, Canada
| Re: | | I think it was Richard Baxter who said something like, "although you need the knowledge of Christ to be saved, you don't need the knowledge of a theologian." Christ comes by way of revelation to the soul. The law is the schoolmaster to bring us to Christ, and Christ puts that law in our hearts. The heart must be plowed, weeded, and gardened properly that the good seed spring forth to everlasting life, and bear much fruit for the glory of God. Watch over your heart with all diligence. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God... (James 1:5). "And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing." - 1 Cor 13:2 "Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tonggues, they shall cease; whether there bbe knowledge, it shall vanish away." - 1Cor 13:8 If you seek Christ and find Him, then you really do have all things, regardless of what the world says, the flesh, or the devil.
_________________ Richie
| 2011/12/3 17:03 | Profile |
| Re: | | Actually, it's more like unlearned men who have been taught by the Holy Ghost.
Though that doesn't have much weight. There have been unlearned, unschooled men who have made shipwreck of many and also have introduced crazy teachings.
Paul was a learned man, Acts 22:3 I am verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, yet brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers, and was zealous toward God, as ye all are this day.
So it's not unschooled men that we should be looking for, rather men and women who are sold out whether they be noble, learned, unlearned, nobodies, weak and base, and have the Spirit of Almighty God residing in them. |
| 2011/12/3 20:12 | | Sree Member
Joined: 2011/8/20 Posts: 1953
| Re: Where are the unschooled ordinary men? | | I completely agree with this point. Jesus did not go to any Bible School nor did Peter. It is not Bible Scholars that are to be given the elder-ship in Church, but the one whose is able to live like Christ should be given. Even Paul himself though he is a trained teacher of Law, he considers it worthless compared to the knowledge of Christ. _________________ Sreeram
| 2011/12/4 10:21 | Profile |
| Re: Where are the unschooled ordinary men? | | dearest Blaine, you wrote:
Yet I get the impression that there is a disdain for the average person who walks with Jesus. It is only the theological scholar that is respected. Even in this forum.
indeed. 'even on this forum'....hear me, any religiostic 'disdain' recieved from another 'jar of clay'...REJOICE!......and i'm not speaking of just being 'divisive' for the sake of being divisive in order to stir the well of, but if the Lord Jesus Christ in His Earthly Ministry was disdained by the religious establishment of His day...what would ANY humble worm of Christ expect from the religious establishment of this day?
two examples, David Brainerd, a 25 year old follower of Jesus, who was both dying of TB, and would today be diagnosed with severe depression (probably leading to his disqualification as a missionary) gets bounced from Yale Seminary because he let his mouth get ahead of him, said the dean had about much grace as a David goes out into the frontier, circa 1742, alone, preaching the Gospel, hacking blood, dying, eating crummy food, contending with lonliness, yet continues to pray and witness to the Indians, and at Crossweeksung NJ, God comes down in should read some of the SOARING accounts of Indians, who came to a saving Knowledge of Jesus Christ, its in his journals, the "Life of Brainerd"...STILL in print today!
or Duncan Campbell....who's sermons are on this very website...listen to his testimony...severely wounded in WW1, has a Baptism of the Holy Ghost while dying in the flesh, recovers for a year, goes back to Scotland, and with another brother from Ireland, led by the Spirit, goes out in the crofts and roads of Scotland, "just talking about Jesus"...and God came down in the Mid-Arglyd revival of 1921...then Duncan says he made a terrible mistake, he decided "to go in for the ministry"...meaning seminary, where he fell under the sway of "professors', who got him to start down a road of "17 years of barreness", by doubting Genesis 3.
i'm not making this up.
finally, you wrote: Quote:
I find it interesting that those who are making the most impact for the kingdom are the common, ordinary people. Would that I woukd be a common, ordinary man and stay close to Jesus.
may that prayer be answered in Jesus' Name, neil
Blaine---later addition, here's the link to an article that John Piper wrote on David Brainerd in 1990. When i came to Jesus, it was one of the first things i stumbled upon, Thank God, and it just lit me on fire, AND compelled me to seek out the actual journals of Brainerd
| 2011/12/4 13:24 | |
| Re: | | I get what all are saying, and God will use a man as He sees fit... some uneducated and some PhD's. Stop looking at either one.
I have to laugh tho when people lump Jesus in as being "uneducated".
Seriously? You're going to call the Creator of the world, the Almighty God, the omnipotent One... God Himself... uneducated?
While Jesus grew and matured in human form as we all do, He had the knowledge of God within Him because He WAS God. Let's remember that He was completely man... AND completely GOD. The hypostatic union of God and man in Jesus did not elevate His manhood, and it did not decrease His God-hood.
So please stop saying that He was uneducated. He did not require education. That is NOT the same as John or Paul or Peter or anyone else. When you do that you take away from His diety.
The Pharisees called him uneducated, but they also called Him a drunkard and a glutton. None of those things were true.
Krispy |
| 2011/12/4 19:39 | | Sidewalk Member
Joined: 2011/11/11 Posts: 719 San Diego
| Re: | | Jesus spoke to the "educated" men of His day and spoke of their zeal for missionary service. They would "travel around on sea and land to make one proselyte and turn him into twice the son of Hell" that they were. Matthew 23 is a scathing critique of educated men, men without fruit.
When I meet Christians, I care much less about what they know, much more whether there is tender love for Jesus present. The sweet aroma of that fellowship- oooh, it smells good in some people despite their education.
It has taken me way too many years to realize that no one has their doctrine perfected like mine... I jest of course.
Something happened to me that was surprising. Years ago I was on a short term mission trip to Guatemala. The reception and love we got from the Roman Catholics there was phenomenal, the protestants (like most of us were) were cool and some actually unfriendly. And hearing Mother Theresa describe her love for Jesus I got goosebumps! Yet the doctrines of the Roman church which seem crazy to me were not the currency of her witness.
I guess I still have a lot to learn..?
And by the way- I have very little formal Theological education! _________________ Tom Cameron
| 2011/12/4 21:42 | Profile |