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Joined: 2011/1/29
Posts: 149



are you just saying Tamar is an interesting story or asking about her salvation?

If so, I think she was saved because what she shows her righteous character.

26 Judah recognized them and said, “She is more righteous than I, since I wouldn’t give her to my son Shelah.” And he did not sleep with her again. Ge 38:36

She risked her life to prouce an heir for her deceased husband and even waited all those years for Judah's younger son to grow up! Though Judah treated her unfairly, she went to all lengths to do what was right.

This verse is brought to me mind:
But women will be preserved through the bearing of children if they continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint. 1 Tim 2:15

 2011/12/6 19:39Profile

Joined: 2011/1/29
Posts: 149


also one more question

Is it possible that Ananias and Sapphira were saved and though they were judged by God because of their disobedience it was a diciplinary act that was meant to save them?

Or were they really unsaved and inregenerate from the start?

 2011/12/6 19:41Profile


But, why do you suppose Zac Poonen would judge and condemn Solomon to hell?

I am not sure you want me to answer that question regarding Poonen.

Regarding Solomon, no unsaved man ever penned a line of scripture, and more, in 1 Chr 17:11-13 God owns Solomon as a son that He will never take His mercy away from, which incidentally is more than He has written about Poonen.

I will willingly go where Solomon is, but I want no part of where Poonen is going.


 2011/12/6 23:46


Tamar's salvation is an interesting story. She is recognized as a woman of God through an act of fornication. She believed God's promise in spite of God's law.


 2011/12/6 23:49


Regarding Ananias and Sapphira it is acts 4:31-32 counts them out

Acts 4:31...they were all filled with the Holy Ghost

Acts 4:32 "...the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own..."

When the Holy Ghost moved he filled THEM, (those that were saved at that time) ALL in the same manner. Ananias and Sapphira were not moved in the same manner as the others. They were not of one heart and of one soul with the rest of the multitude that believed, it is this that counts them out of being saved.


 2011/12/6 23:58

Joined: 2011/1/29
Posts: 149


thanks that makes sense

hmmm yeah I guess the Tamar story is interesting
Though i think according to the customs of the time that was what was supposed to be done?

I guess these were strange times before the Old Covenant law was in place a lot of things were covered in God's mysterious grace?

 2011/12/7 0:56Profile

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!

 Re: Ananias

EvangelTam wrote:
Is it possible that Ananias and Sapphira were saved and though they were judged by God because of their disobedience it was a diciplinary act that was meant to save them?

Or were they really unsaved and inregenerate from the start?

I know this wasn’t asked of me but I humbly disagree with Old_Joe’s answer and would like to offer another opinion. (sorry Joe!) This is just one person’s opinion but I believe that upon further reading, the Scriptures prove that Ananias and Sapphira were both saved and disciplined but not to save them but to save others who were there (Acts 5.5) and who would hear of the story.

To me, if you read chap 4 and 5 logically as one chapter, it shows that Ananias and Sapphira were there in Acts 4.31 when they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Chapter 4 doesn’t miss a beat as it flows straight into chapter 5 introducing Ananias.

In defense of people filled with the Holy Spirit; contrary to popular belief, the baptism doesn’t make people perfect. If you are a selfish person when you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, guess what? You are STILL a selfish person afterwards! But you have the power to overcome it if you choose to allow the Lord to have His way in your life. And this was the one place Ananias could have died to his flesh but he sought to save his life and instead lost it.

I believe the key sentence to proving they were saved is when Ananias walked into the room in Acts 5.3 and Peter asked him, “Why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit?” An unsaved person cannot lie to the Holy Spirit because they do not have any association with the Holy Spirit whatsoever.

I could be wrong but this is just my understanding of the Scriptures and forgive me if I've offended you by interfering with your conversation.
God bless,


 2011/12/7 8:58Profile


Interesting thread.

 2011/12/7 9:19

Joined: 2008/10/30
Posts: 2265



I asked, "But, why do you suppose Zac Poonen would judge and condemn Solomon to hell?"

You answered, "I am not sure you want me to answer that question regarding Poonen."

I'd not have asked if I did not want you to answer. Now, if you're not sure you want to answer, that is up to you. But I am sure I want you to answer.

I'd also like for you to clarify what you meant when you wrote, "I will willingly go where Solomon is, but I want no part of where Poonen is going."

If any who are reading this thread/post would like proof that Zac Poonen judges and condemns Solomon to hell I can surely provide you with that.


 2011/12/8 13:25Profile

Joined: 2011/1/29
Posts: 149


Yes please post Pooens reasoning why Solomon went to hell
I dont think he did but he will be judged for what he did and his wayward heart.

God punished him and disciplined him for his sin by raising up opponents to oppose him (just like he did with David) but I believe he was saved.

 2011/12/8 14:27Profile

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