this is no "crisis". Saints, what you are witnessing are the machinations of the god of this age, the anti christ, and his followers, those men doomed to the pit of fire, for the sin of denying Messiah and His Kingdom, denying God's Omnipotence, meaning that He is a Jealous God, and will NOT TOLERATE IDOLATORS, and these idolators are wicked sin soaked, sin loving, money loving men who have crafted a 21st century golden calf, and THEY WORSHIP on it!!!!
they have even pulled many helpless and harrassed sinners to BUT INTO this pattern of ease and consumption, who believe the lies of the devil. most of the official mouthpieces you hear today are but minons and hirelings of this antichrist.
yes, we are instructed to pay respect to authority, but WOE to anyone who bow a knee to baal, and this is baal, this satan, this is the antichrist, and its all planned by the beast and the devil.
no, this is no crisis, like a tornado, coming upon the saints unannounced, this is scripted, it is planned, it is the end of days. We have been warned by the Lord Jesus Christ in some of His Final Words to the disciples. He told us what to do...we have the roadmap as God the Holy Ghost revealed to John on the Isle of Patmos, Revelations.
i have much more to say, but my heart is grieved to the core, yet the gift of knowing that i know that i know, THAT GOD IS SOVEREIGN and to God go the Glory, and the Praise and the Amen. everything else is but a smokescreen of the devil. God will have His Victory, that i know. |