MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2011KNOWING THE LORDS MIND AND WILLby David WilkersonLord, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear (Psalm 10:17).In this verse David outlines a simple, three-step plan for knowing the Lords mind and will for your life: Petition Him (pray) Prepare your heart to hear His voice He will cause you to knowthe Holy Spirit will speak to youVery soon, God is going to pour out of His glorious cup the greatest measure of His Spirit the world has ever seen. Great Holy Spirit conviction will come upon your neighbors, coworkers and unsaved family members.People everywhere are going to be hurting and they will turn from their dead churches to seek out those who walk with God. They will be desperate to find someone whose heart has been prepared!God is going to use hundreds of thousands of ordinary servants for His end-time work of people-to-people ministry. So I ask you: Are you preparing your heart right now for His work to be done, both in you and through you?Confess to God today: Oh, Lord, I want my life to count! I know that right now I am living on bread alonein a wilderness of despair. But I want to live!Dive into His Word. Learn to seek Him daily. There is revolutionary power in the preparation of your heart! It is through this preparation that meaning and fullness will come into your life. Your feelings and personality will change and power will be released in you!When God sees you are ready, He will bring you great opportunities to do His work. You will not even have to leave your house. God will bring the needs right to your door!The mighty God we serve is preparing His people at this very hour for a mighty work.The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man; He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war. He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud; He shall prevail against His enemies (Isaiah 42:13).Prepare your heart to meet Him! Become a ready servant, equipped and prepared for His great last-day outpouring, and His glory will come alive in you in this final hour!