Protection From Backslidding by Keith DanielTopic: BacksliddingScripture(s): Proverbs 14:12-14 Description: In this message Keith Daniel lays out truth for Christians to get back to a vital reality with God. He states 3 ways that we will backslide and puts an emphasis on this truth for as a warning against backslidding: "If you enter your day without soaking yourself in the word of GOD you WILL backslide."
Source of survival (October 02/2010)Reviewed by: riftstoneOne of my favorite Keith Daniel sermons. Gives three things we must do to avoid backsliding. The Word of God is our source of survival. Awesome! (March 29/2007)Reviewed by: NileThis is a great sermon on the vital importance of reading God's word and praying - I was greatly moved and challanged by it!