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Joined: 2011/8/20
Posts: 1953




Finally, the view that Paul was rhetorically assuming the character of one "under the law" in Romans 7, and was not speaking of himself in his current state of being "under grace", is not a "hidden", "secret", or "new" view. This view is both ancient and well received by many in the Church for the past 2000 years.

Even during early stage of my Christian life, when I was going through the gospels and Romans I understood that Paul was not talking about himself in Romans 7. He was talking about how our life will be when we are under law or if we accept Jesus but not live by grace and live by law. I never even thought that Paul would have talked about himself struggling with same sin when he is ministering a Church. If it was so then how did Paul say that he has finished the race and fight the good fight? He even said follow me like how I follow Christ. Does it then mean that come and struggle with same sin like how am struggling?

Book of Romans is a carefully written book passing through different stages of our Christian life. Romans 7 is a stage when we accept Jesus and the seed of God comes inside us showing our sins. But we struggle to overcome it because our flesh is still strong. Personally my life was like that until God truly thought me how to live by Grace which surpasses the life by flesh.


 2011/11/18 13:46Profile


Sree and I disagree on a lot. :-)


 2011/11/18 17:38


The idea that Paul was not even talking about himself, but about hypothetical unsaved people who try to attain salvation by works of the Law is strange at best. The most obvious problem with this argument is that it requires that the text be terribly misleading. It suggests that in the context of a letter written in the first person and in which Paul had established the pattern of speaking about himself and from his own perspective, Paul launched into an unannounced hypothetical and impersonal use of the first person. Again, it is grammatically possible, but one fails to find any indication in the text that this is what Paul intended.


 2011/11/18 17:43

Joined: 2007/6/29
Posts: 342

 Re: Krispy

"Again, it is grammatically possible, but one fails to find any indication in the text that this is what Paul intended.:

I understand your poiht dear Brother. Let it be for now...

Have a very happy, and safe Thanksgiving my friend. May the Lord bless your wife and children, your house, and all that is under your hand. May He uphold you and walk with you and guide you in the Way.

Love you Brother.

Be well,

 2011/11/18 17:50Profile

Joined: 2011/10/23
Posts: 2556


good day brethern

i noticed that verse 24 of romans 7

paul said so then with the mind i serve the law of god ,but with thee flesh the law of sin

then in chapter 8 he continues to talk about what he was talking about in chapter 7,,he talkes about how there is no condemnation to those who are in christ ,,,and says in verse 5 ,,for those who live in the flesh set there minds on the things of the flesh ,and he then says in relation verse 24 in chapter 7 and those who are in the spirit set there minds on the things of the spirit

so it his more then likly that chapter seven and 8 are speaking of the christan , chapter seven shows the strugle and chapter 8 is the victory in that stuggle

but that is not to say that those who are drawn by god spirit and fall away dont also sucume to this same stuggle with out the victory in chapter 8

brothers i believe that some times the chapters seprate the intented message

i once beleievd that 7 spoke of the christans ,then i changed ,and thought that it spoke about the man who was unregenrated ,,then i came back to my first thought on the subject

what do you all think

 2011/11/18 18:37Profile


Doug, love ya too bro... happy T-day to you and yours too!


 2011/11/18 23:11

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