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Discussion Forum : Revivals And Church History : Reformation Sunday

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Joined: 2010/6/16
Posts: 8

 Reformation Sunday

This coming October 31st marks the 504th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther nailing his 95 theses to the door of Wittenburg Castle.

Is the Reformation truly over. Was it, as some have suggested a tragic mistake. Others such as Chuck Colson tell us that it is now ancient history, time to get on with the re-uniting of Catholics and Protestants. There is far more, he suggests that unite us than divide us.

Does anyone care to share their thoughts on this subject?

 2011/10/27 20:44Profile

Joined: 2003/7/31
Posts: 2850
Phoenix, Arizona USA

 Re: Reformation Sunday

The Reformation, while truly a great blessing for the whole world, was not some golden age of perfection, there was much left undone.

We live in a new age, with a new generation deeply lost in sin, deeply in need of Light and Life. God will visit this generation in mercy through a church that has set aside every hinderance to the fullness of His Spirit, and is seeking His face in unity. Not ecumenicalism, but true unity of the Spirit.

Let's not point the finger at Protestants or Catholics or Colson, lets point the finger at ourselves and get right with God, a lost generation, our generation, is waiting.

edit: Like King David, Luther served his generation by the will of God and fell on sleep(Acts 13:36). May the same simple epitaph be found over our lives.

In Christ,


Ron Halverson

 2011/10/27 21:02Profile

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