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Joined: 2011/4/7
Posts: 255


I don't have a problem with y'all discussing this (I have some questions too!), but I think this quote is still very relevant.

Here's a quote from Michelle Duggar -

"There's others out there that may have opinions and that's ok! They can have their ideas and their opinions... but I'm the mom! I look in the face of my daughter Jill, who was born after my twins of which I had preeclampsia with them. And I think she wouldn't be here if I had decided, "I'm not going to allow another gift in my life!" There's no way that I can please everyone, but there's one that I do want to please and that's my Lord! And if my relationship and my heart is right between He and I, then all the other stuff will work out..."

 2011/12/11 19:50Profile

Joined: 2011/4/7
Posts: 255

 Re: Ginnyrose

Then one day in church service as I was thumbing through Genesis my eyes fell on 3:16: "Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." I saw something I never noticed before: the ability to conceive frequently was a result of the fall! (I will greatly multiply thy conception.) This is given in the context of where Adam was told there would be weeds to be dealt with. Soooo, this means that to see how many children you can have is not God's will, either, because it says that the ability to conceive more frequently is part of the curse placed on a woman.

Hi Ginnyrose,

Your reasoning is interesting; I haven't quite heard it put that way. But in order to reason like that, you would have to also conclude that since it wasn't God's original plan for man to sweat for his bread, then it's not God's will for a man to have job which makes him sweat. ??? Please understand I'm not making fun of your position; I'd just like to understand it better.

But to deliberately work to see how many you can have - this seems to me a point of pride and others looking on have observed this as well. But then that is between them and God - you do not want to go a child and tell them you think they were conceived as a result of pride!

If that is their philosophy, fine. I understand it as the idea to let what will happen, to happen. In other words, not saying, "we're aiming for 20!" but "whatever He gives is what we'll take." Example is Josh Duggar who said that he and his wife would be happy if they got 2 children or if they got 20; either way, they wanted whatever God wanted to give them.

Of course that "point of pride" is wrong but it's really not always the case-- what about when pride is not in the picture??

Looking forward to hearing from you,

 2011/12/11 20:06Profile

Joined: 2011/1/12
Posts: 1395
Lakeland FL


The phrase 'Whatever GOD gives gives' in reference to having kids. It implies to me a kind of blind faith. The phrases wants to tell me that God is out there but he isn't going to tell you anything about how many kids you are going to have. You just keep having kids and if your womb won't produce more then that means God says Stop. If a woman's body has complications it could mean God saying STOP unless the body recovers to have more.

Seems to say God is out there but leaving couple on their own to want to believe God is telling them this. Shouldn't they be hearing God telling them this vs assuming God is based on circumstances?

This is A reason why society mocks christians because the thought process seems as if God is not really speaking, we think he is as a result of ' If it is meant to be...' I hear this from my mom and from others I cross paths with. 'If it was meant to be it will happen'. Really, do you know how many bad things happen that probably were not meant to be? Do you see my point?


 2011/12/14 7:51Profile

Joined: 2011/4/7
Posts: 255


There are many things in life that God doesn't tell us about...that's why it's called walking by faith. You call it "blind faith" but I see it as trusting God to lead the way--Since when do we need or get all the answers?? I've heard it said that so many Christians would be happy to surrender their life to die for Christ, yet they wouldn't surrender their womb/the number of children they'll have! How pathetic is that?! But understand, I don't have any desire to force this stuff in anyone; I recognize it as a personal conviction that is up to every individual. I understand if you don't agree, but why say its wrong when you dont support yourself with Scripture? Of course, however, it has been and is abused by families going on welfare and that's only one example... I know the extremes need to be dealt with, but let's not make them everything.

You said

do you know how many bad things happen that were NOT meant to be?

Yes I get your point...except I don't correlate how many children can be likened to "bad things." Could you elaborate?


 2011/12/16 9:48Profile

Joined: 2011/10/27
Posts: 338


I quote Deadn: "The phrase 'Whatever GOD gives gives' in reference to having kids. It implies to me a kind of blind faith." (Sorry I have not figured out how to use the 'quote' feature).

If a Christian were saying this for anything other than children (money, material possessions, wisdom, etc.) there would be no argument on this forum over the wrongness of this statement or over this being "blind faith." There is just this westernized notion that there is something wrong with having many children, and we apply our culture to this area of life and call it being "wise." Let me remind you that worldly wisdom is foolishness to God, and it is the God whom we serve that said that children are a blessing from the Lord and blessed is he whose quiver is full of them. Apparently, we don't believe what God says or we do not want His blessings.

As in other areas of life, if we are lead by the Lord and the Spirit, this is NOT blind faith. When those of us say we will take however many children God chooses to give us, we are following the Spirit, the same Holy Spirit that we follow and ask for guidance in other decisions, and trust that we will be guided by the Spirit to know when God is saying that a certain number of children is enough. How is trusting the Spirit to guide you in this, different from trusting the Spirit to guide you in other areas? It is the same thing. I do not call it "blind faith." It is called being led by the Spirit.

I am not trying to be judgmental. I do not judge those who have few children. Not everyone is called to have a large family. This is our individual walk. I also do not want my CHRISTIAN brothers and sisters to judge me either just because they have not been called to have many children.

Walk your own life as the Spirit guides you and do not try to second guess how the Spirit is guiding another family. If you are truly concerned for them and that they are making wrong decisions, pray for them and prove your love by your praying. God, who knows the heart of men and women, will deal with that family, if they are wrong, or with you, if you are wrong.


 2011/12/16 10:32Profile

Joined: 2011/1/12
Posts: 1395
Lakeland FL



Some good points you raise about money, material possessions, wisdom, etc. We apply so much of our cultural into what we think is biblical truth and chastize those who don't abide by these truths.

In reference to my words, having kids because the body is able to have kids- is that really the same as saying God wills that the body keeps having kids? To me it implies no relationship with God but that circumstances dictate a couple should have more kids because the body is able to do such a thing. blind faith comes in thinking this is God's way of doing it-really? Is that how God works when it comes to reproduction? That is just a funky way to live out ones faith in God, in my opinion. A bit scary.


 2011/12/16 22:21Profile

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