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Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 Birthing the Authentic by Art Katz

Birthing the Authentic by Art Katz

Topic: Authenticity
Scripture(s): Luke 2:6-38  
Description: Everything that pertains to God's glory must be birthed from above. The birth of Jesus is the ultimate pattern of the advent of the authentic thing and it behooves us, therefore to understand the phenomenon of birth in all of its organic and painful suffering.

 2011/10/25 15:20Profile

 Re: Birthing the Authentic by Art Katz

Thank you, Jeremy.

 2011/10/26 1:25

Joined: 2011/9/26
Posts: 40

 Re: Birthing the Authentic by Art Katz

How we need an authentic faith shown by its
fruit, authentic love in deed and in truth,
and authentic Christians zealous for the
kingdom of GOD and good works!!

 2011/10/26 9:36Profile

Joined: 2011/9/26
Posts: 40


J.C. Ryle has an excellent sermon on this
same topic: Authentic Religion---well
worth a listen.

 2011/10/26 9:38Profile

Joined: 2010/6/8
Posts: 191


Oh how very important it is to have an authentic faith.
I cant seem to get this to open or play when I click on it. I have all the necessary software

 2011/10/26 9:43Profile

Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532


The original link was to the comments page for Birthing the Authentic by Art Katz. The link to the mp3 is this

 2011/10/26 12:09Profile

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