GinnyroseYES,YES,YESPlease keept thoughts like this coming because they really help me focus on this thing I have to write. It really scares me to write it because don't want to rail against the church but I don't want to suppor the church either if it has been oppressive. These are things I have never thought about and I can only get these ideas from ladies point of view. PLEASE, KEEP THEM COMING!!!!THANKS TO THE MAX!!JOHN
John,One reality is that the church in the past and present is populated by males - and females - who do not know the LORD. Since this is the case they are living, acting like their father, the devil. Hence, you will find abuses in the 'church'. I was surfing CNN a while ago and there was an article about a priest that abused young males and it went on to say how many priests - 6000 since the 1950s - have been accused of molesting children. We can say, well, that was the Catholic church, it does not happen in our church! Oh, really??!! I certainly hope you are right, but unfortunately, it is happening all over. Since this is the reality, how will a person confront a feminist, prove him/her wrong about their perverted view of Christianity?It seems to be that to gloss over the abuses that occurred and are still happening would be dishonest. To admit, that yes, there have been wrongs done, but as a whole people are shocked when it does happen and therefore they react in horror when it becomes known. The fact that the perpetrators work to hide it is a testimony to the fact of them having a conscience against it or are aware of the anger their behaviors will incur. What if these things could happen and there would be no negative reactions to them? I have learned that when I am confronted with inconsistencies among Christians, like my own church, that to be honest and admit there are problems, you do gain a hearing from your critics.John, have you ever listened much to Ravi Zacharias sermons?I suggest you go to and find the archives of "Let My People Think" programs and listen. Ravi's ministry is to intellectuals and he may be able to give you some insight in how to deal with humanists although I am not aware he has any sermons dealing with the feminist issue, but the basic problems remain regardless of the particular issue. John, you have a tough job - I certainly do not envy you, but do pray God will give you the grace to be honest and yet loving in your presentation. This will require a miracle since you are as a lamb among wolves. But God can and does give one grace to do His will. Methinks this will require for you a lot of prayer and listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit.God bless..ginnyrose
_________________Sandra Miller
John,Here is a sermon I think could help you. It was preached by the late Adrian Rogers and I have heard it several times on the radio. It deals with the differences between the sexes. My husband loves it as well. I emailed them asking them for the link and I just got it this evening. Here it is:
For those who are interested. I completed my research paper and the responses to this questionaire actually helped me a bit with it though I had only a couple. The professor wrote that it was one of the best he has read, which I assume he means in the class? He didn't mark off for anything. He said it was well argued and very tightly written. I got a 99 on it as he doesn't give 100. I titled it 'Feminism and Fundamentalism'. It took 4 revisions to get it 'right'.
Anyhow, I really do wonder if there would be a feminist movement if dads would love their daughters as God intended them to do. AND if husbands would love AND cherish their wives like Christ loved the church and gave himself for her.
If they have some pain the world almost stops spinning for them! Males' pain threshold is so small, so small it can exasperate a female!
He didn't mark off for anything. He said it was well argued and very tightly written. I got a 99 on it as he doesn't give 100.I titled it 'Feminism and Fundamentalism'.
roadsignYeah, I wrote it 4 times to get it right. It was a soapbox issue we were told to write about. I gave postives to both sides and negatives to both sides starting with the Garden and Eden. Where both sides have it wrong and right and it goes from there.This is one paper I will definately be keeping! I have learned alot in this class and a key thing in it is seeing through a certain 'lens' in life. We all grew up seeing through our own lens and as a result our opinions and belief usually grow out of the lens we see through.If anyone is interest in reading the paper you can email me at [email protected] and I will email it to you. Otherwise, my class is over and I should get an A out of and in reality a new way of looking at things in life.