Hi All,I bring this subject up again with some fear and trembling.I have posted on it before and I feel I didnt get across what I wanted to say.The sermon "Ten Shekels and A Shirt"by Paris Reidhead has some problems I believe in relation to salvation and repentance.Below is a qoute from the Sermon.I think that what he said below is correct if it is stretched out over time.The problem is that Paris Reidhead doesnt himself live up to the qualification described below.He says himself in his testimony that he became saved aged 13.It wasnt until he was 26 that he went to Africa.It was his time in Africa he said that he realized that he went there for humanistic reasons.It took at least 13yrs before God showed him that.Can you see the double standards?It took Paris A long time before he came to the full realization of why we should repent.It was more than 13yrs and probably later on in his ministry.Did Paris Reidhead become born again realizing that he should repent because "god deserved the obedience and love that hes refused to give him"as it says below.The answer is probably like most people NO.My point is the sinner may intially come to Jesus and be saved so that they get to heaven but over a period of time god will bring us to the realization that we should continue to repent because god deserves his obedience and love.But its over a period of time not all at the beginning like is described below.The importance of what I am trying to say being that people can repent and be saved by realizing they are going to hell if they do not repent as I believe Paris Reidhead did himself.The paragraph below is fine if it is stretched over time.I Hope I have made my point clearly as I find it difficult to express what I want to say(the only thing I have in common with moses)Yours Staff-------------------------------------------------------If the only reason you repented, dear friend, was to keep out of Hell all you are is JUST A LEVITE SERVING FOR TEN SHEKELS AND A SHIRT! THAT'S ALL! You're trying to serve God because He'll do you good! But a repentant heart is a heart that has seen something of the enormity of the crime of playing God and denying the just and righteous God the worship and obedience that He deserves! Why should a sinner repent? BECAUSE GOD DESERVES THE OBEDIENCE AND LOVE THAT HE'S REFUSED TO GIVE HIM! Not so that he'll go to heaven. If the only reason he repents is so that he'll go to heaven, it's nothing but trying to make a deal or a bargain with God. =======================================================
But perhaps people will realize they have been a levite serving for 10 shekels and a shirt by hearing his sermon...Brother, that's what happened for me, and that's why i think a lot of people enjoy this sermon because it gave them a great insight of what we've been doing before... I'm not good in theology but i'd say that's the whole point of exhortation and even discipline, to CORRECT our view.Now, your question, shall we ask from people what we've not been able to live up to?YES, because it's not our standard, it's God's. If it takes a whole life to Solomon to realize that life is pretty much worthless without knowing God, won't you be glad to be warned about it? I'd say that's the point of Proverbs, Songs of Solomon, etc.Just my 2 centsBlessings
staff,If you listen to Zac Poonen's sermons he refers to this all the time but in a different way. It's clear that Paris knew Jesus as his savior before he went to Africa (on his missions trip) BUT after God spoke to him in Africa, Paris then knew Him as Lord, big difference. Repentance in my opinion is not a one time 'I'm done with that' thing, it's a continual process. Even Paul in the epistles talked about it (Corinthians I believe) regarding how miserable the flesh is, and at this time Paul was a long time convert.Anyway, just trying to help you out.Peace to you!
Hi Learjet,You are right clearly in saying that Paris was born again when he went to Africa and also that after that time he became Jesus became lord.However Paris does not make it clear that Lordship is the out come of a process sometimes long.It seems that Paris has little regard for the idea that people repent and become born again for the reason that that they want to go to heaven.It is a double standard in the sense that this is most probably the reason he became born again himself.Yet he wants to disregard this way of becoming saved which is wrong in my opinion.John the baptist told the scribes "who told you to flee from the wrath to come".The people in Johns day were repenting due to a coming wrath.A repentance according to Paris would be enough.Thanks for your input Staff
Hi Looserchapel,I think your point about Solomon is correct that it took his whole life even for the wise king.Paris does not point that out,Staff
i think you make a valid point Staff, I was born again 8 years ago, but much of what I know now i didn't have a clue when God saved me. But i will say i love Reidhead's Sermon and i highly recommend going to their website and checking out materia by him.