maybe you are right brother
Bibleforlife, I saw the same thing you did and felt the same way. It was a preview for some "soul" movie with Queen Latifa. God hates what was shown there, so don't feel bad for sharing how the Holy Spirit was grieved at that "mixture". My guess is that you, jimp, are speaking about her being "too sensitive on high standards" & didn't even see it for yourself, am I right? Happens too often, in my opinion, especially on forums, that we speak too soon without prayerfully considering what we are doing/saying and making sure we are right and online with God's heart before speaking on a subject. If Bibleforlife was grieved, why would we want to tell her "not to worry about it so much" (in essence). Me, I want to stay sensitive to God's Spirit, see things how He sees them, & break for the things that grieve His Spirit, whether that seems "too much" for others or not. When I do, God is faithful to show me His Heart & speak to me by His Spirit. Have a prophetic gifting by chance, Bibleforlife? Just curious. jimp, I mean no offense to you brother, but God has VERY high standards. He is Holy and can't stand to even look on sin, and the relishment of rebellion. Did you see the actual preview being referred to? The movie, Courageous, was outstanding. Me and my wife went and saw it tonight. I'm not an "IC" believer anymore, so that stuff was different than my current state of belief of the NT church (Body of Christ), but they weren't preaching "go to church (building)" as a main premise/purpose, but be the Father/Husband/Brother God called men to be, so it wasn't a big issue. I have friends in the IC & know there are many in IC's who are genuine dear brethren. I used to be in ministry in one for years. I just don't personally believe today's IC i God's pattern/plan/purpose laid out in NT scripture-fyi
dear jeffmar, see how many post bible4life has posted...most were crying out,out of failure to maintain the standards of holiness that others and himself have set for him to succeed as a christian.Jesus is our success and His finished work is FINISHED.we are complete in Him. His yoke is easy and His burden is light.His anger wass only poured out on religeous men who made it too hard on His people to walk in.jimp sanctification comes from resting in Jesus.
I misunderstood what Bible4Life was saying... I thoght he meant previews OF Courageous. I now understand he meant previews he had to endure before Courageous started.Yes... that is a problem, and I agree.Krispy
jimp, I love you my dear brother, but I take it by your non-answering of my question, the answer is "no, I never even saw the preview Bibleforlife is referring to"?
Go see any movie... and if it's a clean Christian family movie you will still be subjected to previews of other movies that are sometimes quite bad.Plus I question paying THAT much to a movie theater that shows wicked movies 99% of the time.I dont know what the solution is either, I'm just saying that we need to be careful where our money goes. Obviously we cant always avoid the money God provides us going to people or organizations that we would prefer not to... but we dont need to financially support movie theaters.Krispy
I know I will get slammed for watching this movie but "Gridiron Gang" Blessed me more than any so called Christian relate movie ever has. Yes the language was pretty bad, but I somehow was able to get by that, the ending was so awesome my grandson was brought to tears he was so Blessed by the movie.
hi, who cares about some movie previews,i am caring for bible4life.
Give them a break Krispy. It was only a season of special blessing, not a lifetime of no trial christianity.Ruf
You're right... silly me for taking holiness so seriously. From now on I will wink at sin and encourage others to do likewise.Krispy