Saints,Reports I am reading suggest that Youcef Nardarkhani is still alive and in prison. But bear in mind this is Iran we are talking about. Iran is designated by some in the community of nations to be a 'rogue nation' in the same class as N. Korea. As I understand Youcef's situation he is presently awaiting the judges decision as to what his fate will be.. One report says the court will give their verdict in a week. Yet their are those in Iran who fear he could be exexuted quickly and secretly. Probably because of the international attention being put on this case.The Speaker of the House and the Brittish Foreign Secretary have called on the Iranian government to set Youcef free. The Washington Post and Fox News are making this case public. Praise God that the name if Jesus is being lifted up on this brother's life. Reports are Youcef's faith is still strong. Saints pleae continue to lift this brother up in your prayers. Ultimately prayer is our greatest tool to advance God's purposes.Are you aware that Iran has a vibrant house church movement? Prior to 1979 Iran had less than 500 believers in the whole country. After the Islamic revolution a gospel revolution took place. Voice of the Martyrs estimate 500 to 600 people come to Christ a day in Iran through satellite broadcast and other means. Today it is estimated 100,000 believers are more are in Iran. That is more than what you find in Israel. And these believers appear to be on fire for Jesus. Praise God for a marvelous move of the gospel in Iran. Let us keep these brothers anf sisters in our prayers.For His Glory,Blaine Scogin
Praying and will continue to pray. God blessmj
In a dispatch from BosNewsLife yesterday Iran may be changing the charges against Youcef Nadarkhani. They want to charge him with being a zionist or endangering Iran's security. Other charges may range from extortion to rape. With so much attention being focussed on the apostasy charge Iran may be looking for other ways to execute this brother without losing face in the eyes of the world.The original court documents in Youcef's case have said clearly he was being charged, tried, and executed, for apostasy. But it appears that Iran is changing tactics and want to make this brother out to be a common criminal or a political prisoner rather than a religious prisoner.I have noticed this is a tactic used by countries such as China or Vietnam. They will not arrest a Christian for his faith but for charges such as disturbing the public order or for disrupting state peace or for unspecified crimes against the state. When one reads of persecution of Christians in the first few centuries they were sometimes charged for being enemies of the state. Or wording to such effect.Continue to remember this brother and the church in Iran. Also that God will continue to expose the truth on Iran and unmask an evil regime.Blaine Scogin
Reports I am looking at suggest Iran is charging Youcef Nafarkhani with rape, extortion, being a zionist, endangering national security, or all of the above. Iran feels compelled to execute this brother, bit with so much media coverage on the case, must look for other says to justify the execution. Praise God the evil of Iran's human rights violations are being unmasked before the world.Iran is already having problems with the growing house church movement in its borders. If they execute Nadarkhani on the apostacy charge then he wlll indeed. be a martyr and the gospel will exoplde. The Iranians will indeed have a bigger problem wioth people leaving Islam and coming to Christ. The solution. Execute him as a common criminal.The more I track this case the more I see this is more than a brother being executed. This is a struggle over the soul of Iran. We did not pick this battle with the evil one, the devil chose it. Then we must finish and claim victory for Christ. Since the devil chose to attack church in Iran then we must counter attack through the gospel and prayer. Dr. Charles Stanley has said that we are never as tall as we are on our knees. He has also said that our battle with the enemy 8s waged in the prayer closet. Please keep praying for this brother and the church in Iran. Those who are interested there is a con call where we have been praying and lifting this brother up. If you emsil me I can provide details. But whatever you do please keep this brother and Iran in your prayers.For the persecutedBlaine Scogin
One report suggest that a decision regarding the fate of Youcef Nadarkhani could be forhcoming early next week. While the official court documents still charge him with apostacy and the sentence is death by hanging, Iran appears to be considering new charges. These new charges range from rape and extortion to endangering national security. So far no proof has been forthcoming to support these charges. These charges do carry the death penalty. Observers feel Iran may be looking for other days to justify an execution of this brother.Let us continue to lift him, his family, and the Persian church up on ourv prayetrsBlaine
Still praying - thanks for the update....
Thanks for the update, Blaine! We are keeping him in our prayers.
Yes, thanks Blaine!Renoncer
Those waiting times can be harder that knowing you are getting executed for sure, and the Devil will use every pressure and temptation possible to get this brother to renounce his faith. We should be praying with great urgency for him.
Sources inside Iran say that the fate of Brother Youcef Nadarkhani is in the hands of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khameni. He has been asked to decide this brother's fate. But we know that our brother's destiny is in the hands of Jesus.Please keep praying for brother Youcef.Blaine