A message from David Wilkerson about Jesushttps://www.sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?lid=19765&commentView=itemCommentsBehold the Lamb of God!Hallelujah!
Thank you, thank you so much for this. Amen! Jesus is the Lamb of God. I am posting this on my FB as well. All glory to God for the precious Lamb.
Jesus... it is hard to even speak of Him...without weeping in love...He has been so good to us.Along time ago, when I was coming to Him, I saw something while I was sleeping that I will never forget.There was this bad man trying to kill me.He was like a meth addicted violent punk rocker.I was afraid.Then I saw the most serene little lamb lying in the shadeby a river. So still, so perfect. Then the bad man was gone.That Lamb is JesusHe saved me from the bad manand now that precious lamb lives in my heart.So perfect, so meek, so holy and good.HallelujahWorthy is the Lamb who was slain from the foundationof the world.