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Joined: 2007/6/26
Posts: 2094
Whittier CA USA

 Seeking Advice On Addressing Pastors

Not sure if I'll get any input here since this is a touchy subject but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway.

In Matthew 23:8-12 our Lord declares,
"8 But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren. 9 Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. 10 And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ. 11 But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. 12 And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."(NKJV)

For some time now I have been convinced that the above passage forbids ministers of Christ to take upon themselves spiritual authoritative titles. And I have been convinced that I am forbidden to address a minister by such a title, whether it is "Pastor so and so, Evangelist so and so, etc."

So here's my dilema. For some months now I have been attending a small church(about 30-40 adults) where such titles are used for the pastors(there are three), and I feel like I'm in a bit of a tight spot. Up until now I have not addressed any of them by their title even though everyone else addresses them that way.

(As a side note, I understand that there are a few well-known pastors in traditional churches who do not take upon themselves spiritual titles, men like John MacArthur, Zac Poonen and others.)

I have already expressed(through email) to one of the pastors my views regarding the passage in Matthew 23, and he never replied back regarding that. I simply told him that I hope that he is not offended by me not addressing him as "Pastor T..." and told him why I don't. I also told him that I do not see that as an essential matter to divide over.

Anyway, my concern is that eventually the congregation may notice that I don't address the pastors by their titles but simply as brothers. And they may think I am being disrespectful to authority in the church.

So my question is, for the sake of keeping peace in the church, should I succumb to the popular use of such titles and address the pastors by their titles like everone else does, seeing it as a non-essential matter that I should not make a big deal out of? I ask that because sometimes I think to myself, "If the pastors take upon themselves such titles and expect the church members to address them as such, that's on them. They will give account to God not to me." I think maybe I should just submit to that expectation for the sake of keeping the peace.

Or should I continue to hold firmly to my convictions regarding the Matthew 23 passage, and hope and pray that I will not cause strife on account of that conviction?

And finally, I invite any input from anyone who holds a different view on the Matthew 23 passage. I don't think we can find any example in the New Testament where anyone is addressed by a spiritual title.


 2011/9/5 1:04Profile

Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862

 Re: Seeking Advice On Addressing Pastors

You sir are correct in your conviction on the verse, I don't believe there is an absolute forbiddance of titles but titles should definitely not be our focus. I go to a church now where the pastor and I are pretty good friends I very rarely address him as pastor not really from conviction but because to me it sounds weird. He doesn't seem to mind, I found the ones that have nothing to provide or have some kind of complex are the ones that demand the "respect" of a title when in reality we aren't entitled to anything this includes a title.

I say if ones focus isn't "I must be called a pastor because that's what I am" then its okay but duelly noted it doesn't make much sense. Meaning I wouldn't call a taxi driver, Taxi Driver Joe because he took a driving test and now is qualified to drive a taxi no it just sounds silly. The issue being men who focus on titles are trying to draw up authority they feel the title gives them but Christ doesn't teach us of an Authoritian leader but one who is a servant. If they have the heart of Christ titles will mean little among your 3 pastor friends. Ones who you may get some grief about it is older folk and that's not really a biblical issue but a "tradions of men" issue.

As long as you aren't maliciously not using pastor to usurp what authority the Lord has given them then I think you should be fine. :)

And finally, I invite any input from anyone who holds a different view on the Matthew 23 passage. I don't think we can find any example in the New Testament where anyone is addressed by a spiritual title.

Paul calls himself an Apostles in most if not all of his letters, wouldn't "Apostle" be a title? (Please note it was never Pauls focus because if it was he would write only about how he is an apostle, no he writes of the one who sent him Christ Jesus this I believe is the dividing line)

Hope that helps.

Matthew Guldner

 2011/9/5 2:12Profile

 Re: Seeking Advice On Addressing Pastors

Oracio, that is a verse that supports what you are saying but I'm wondering was there ever a verse where the bible tells us to be lead by pastors?

The word pastor is misused a lot today. Most of the time, there is a political theme underneath it all.

I just pray you use wisdom and discernment before you do what you have to do. People are very sensitive to these things and many times, you will have severe consequences for bringing them up. I know first hand about these consequences so I would just like to give you a heads up, brother.

 2011/9/5 5:21

Joined: 2009/2/20
Posts: 494
Celina, Texas


These points have great validity. I fear the pride issue that comes by titles. Pride has been a major issue even from the beginning. For many it is fed by title. I have seen many a man overcome by it. If scripture points to servanthood and the attentiveness due the least among us, then we have much to consider when it comes to our operations within the body of Christ. So many things go on that seem to alienate versus draw us together. It is good that christians deal with such topics and their effects amongst the saints.

 2011/9/5 9:43Profile

 Re: Oracio

Brother don'r overthink this. God knows the attitude io your heart. If it means preserving unity and you do not bind your conscience call them pastor. Otherwise stick with brother so and so. Or you could do as the Cbineese and refer to them as brother pastor. But that could get a little awkward since you have 3 pastors.

Since you have a small church I woukd call them brother and not worry about it. After all we are brothers and sisters in the forever family.

Hope this helps.


 2011/9/5 10:23

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!

 Re: Seeking Advice On Addressing Pastors

Oracio wrote:
Anyway, my concern is that eventually the congregation may notice that I don't address the pastors by their titles but simply as brothers. And they may think I am being disrespectful to authority in the church.

Perhaps because of your conviction about this subject, you are making more out of this than there actually is; if they do bring it up, you do not have to provide a sermon to defend your beliefs; that will surely cause them alarm. As long as you address the pastor in respect, I don’t know what the harm is or why they would care and if they do care that much, maybe that church is not for you.

Also, don't forget that they may love you having you there so much, they won’t care!! Love goes a long way, brother!

God bless you,
Sister Lisa


 2011/9/5 10:49Profile

Joined: 2007/6/26
Posts: 2094
Whittier CA USA


Thank you all for all the input. I was greatly encouraged in reading all the posts. I will most likely continue to address them as brothers and not think too much of it unless someone says something. If they do I will simply point out the Matt.23 passage gently and briefly and try to move on. Thankfully I have been getting along pretty good with everyone at the church including the pastors:)


 2011/9/5 12:29Profile

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