Handling the representative Holiness of God as a rabbit foot of good fortune, Israel pulls out the mystical trump to destroy the Philistines. An idolotrous people (Israel) is castigated and they suffer great losses, but more so they suffer the loss of the Ark (the pride of Israel). Likewise the Holiness of God is not to be trifled with or paraded as a momento of battle and so the Philistines suffer region to region attempting to house such Holiness as a spoil of war. Though the ark be representative of the holiness of God, the fullness is but slightly represented and would one day bear the greater manifestation. As others have been dealt with severly by such misapropriation, so would Philistia. Had they kept such a power in their midst the nation would surely have been destroyed. So the Ark is returned having caused great destruction amongst the Philistines. The Levites unload it from the oxen pulled cart. The very cart that would provide fuel for the offering to be burnt, was acceptable to God for reverence is most likely seen in the offering as well as the destruction of that which the Ark should never have been placed upon and hopefully would never be again. Though the Ark be with Israel it was still not in occupancy in the Holy of Holies. So the grief in Israel continued. Not until David would bring 30,000 of the best of his best as well as all the musicians and dancers etc could their desire to bring the mercy seat to the City of David begin to be realized. Yet God has never desired the efficiencies of men and what comes of it can be most insulting to God. So all celebration is brought to an abrupt halt. The ignorance of man needs exposing. It is a merciful act of the loving God to do so. Such illumination is the very light that assures us proper navigation. It is the path that looks leveled, straight, and easy that is deceiving. We need the lamp of God to reveal the proper path with all of its challenges so that we may secure firm footing. It is then that neglect and irreverence is brought to light and the Ark is properly addressed.How often have I been guilty of participation in the building of a new cart in my walk with God. His yoke is light but shall I then tell myself I can lighten it more by ushering in the oxen? What the priest is ordained to carry will he now suffer it to another for the sake of ingenuity and performance? How many times will I try to alter with my own hands the stone God has supplied for the Altar. Our God delights in the humility of our dependence upon Him that becomes our strength. So may I dissasemble a cart of my own design and bridle my self efforts so as not to lose sight of Him whom I am never to take my eyes off of.