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Discussion Forum : Articles and Sermons : DOES GOD HAVE THE ANSWER TO ALL MY QUESTIONS?

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Joined: 2009/12/8
Posts: 1795


by David Wilkerson

Any believer who wishes to please God with his prayer life will have to settle this question: “Does God have all I need? Or do I need to go elsewhere for my answer?”

This appears to be a simple question—one that should not even need to be asked. And most Christians would immediately answer, “Yes, of course I believe God has all I need.” But the fact is, many are not fully convinced!

We say we believe it. We sing hymns and preach about it. But when a crisis hits and God does not seem to answer, we do not really believe He has what we need!

Paul states: “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19, NKJV). The Lord has a storehouse of abundance with which to meet our every need!

Why did the troubled woman in Jesus’ parable keep bothering the unjust judge, asking him for justice? It was because she knew that he alone had the power and authority to solve her problem. She could go to no one else (see Luke 18:1-8).

Oh, if only we had such an inner knowledge that God alone has all we need, we would never turn in vain to any other source. The Lord is a just and holy judge and He has all the wisdom, power and authority to solve any problem we face.

God spent forty years trying to convince Israel they would never lack anything—that He would be their constant source and supply: “For the Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hand. He knows your trudging through this great wilderness. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you; you have lacked nothing” (Deuteronomy 2:7, NKJV).

God was saying, “There is no scarceness, no shortage with Me. I have all you will ever need!”

“For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land . . . in which you will lack nothing . . . when you have eaten and are full . . .” (Deuteronomy 8:7-10, 12, NKJV).

Today, the Lord has brought us into our Promised Land—Christ! Jesus is to us an abiding place where there is never any lack. He represents the fullness of the godhead bodily.

 2011/8/31 14:19Profile

Joined: 2011/6/23
Posts: 3
Ontario, Canada


This is a lovely devotional by David Wilkerson -- thank you.

I do have to (if I may be so bold!) disagree with David Wilkerson's conclusion that God was saying, “I have all you will ever need!” Really He was telling them "I AM all you will ever need."

It's not about "what" He gives us: He gives us Himself! When we begin to know Him more deeply through praise, worship, and from drawing from the well of His word, we begin to realize that He Himself is the fulfillment of our deepest need. So we can go through times of want and suffering and upheaval and still be fulfilled... Even if God never gives us that one thing we desperately want. Even if we never get to a totally secure situation in life. Even if bad things happen and life never quite returns to being neat and tidy. God's purposes and designs surpass and outlive our lifetimes -- not every answered prayer comes to fruition according to our timetable, or even within our lifetime.

So, the question David Wilkerson proposes at the beginning of the devotional is a bit misguided.

The question also seems to suggest that prayer is primarily about asking for "stuff" (material, emotional, etc.). If this is the focus of our prayer life, it's small wonder we ask this misguided question.

Prayer is opening ourselves to God and His presence. Prayer is worship and praise of our beloved Savior and Creator. Prayer is honest one-on-one communication with the One who loves us more than anyone could. Prayer is expressing our gratitude to God and our adoration of Him. Prayer is ALSO then humbly but honestly presenting our requests and needs before God, then leaving them in His hands, with gratitude.

I have one more little bone to pick with David Wilkerson's proposed question: We, by our efforts, can never "please God with our prayer life." A prayer life that is pleasing to God is the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, as we yield to Christ as Lord and make meaningful time in each day for prayer. But WE ourselves are never the source of a meaningful prayer life.

 2011/8/31 22:13Profile

Joined: 2009/12/8
Posts: 1795


I have read David Wilkerson's pulpit series for years now. He is a very godly man.

NO NO NO! It is NOT about material things. It is about the things of God that we need to walk with Him, things to have victory over etc.

I do understand that the reason you may think it is materialism is due to so much of that being taught today. But go beyond the material and if you knew David W. you would know He is not talking materialism but talking about the things that will help us to become holy as He is holy.

You have good things to say, but I would have appreciated if you would have said them on a new thread and not nitpicked at David Wilkerson. There are some that most likely were ministered to by the Holy Spirit with His message and your comment only causes doubt in a godly man.

I will not debate the matter any further and please everyone forgive me for my frustrations and reply of frustration.

 2011/9/1 15:56Profile

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