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Joined: 2011/8/29
Posts: 1

 Gospel of the Kingdom vs Gospel of Reconciliation

Hi guys,

I am new here and I have a question. Recently in my church I have seen some teachings that refer to the "Gospel of the Kingdom". Is there a difference in the Gospel of the Kingdom and the Gospel of Reconciliation. I always grew up believing that the two were pretty much the same thing. It was just the Gospel, the redemptive work of Christ. Now it seems when I hear these teachers talking about the Gospel of the Kingdom, it is somewhat different from what Paul taught.


 2011/8/29 19:59Profile

Joined: 2010/9/22
Posts: 87

 Re: Gospel of the Kingdom vs Gospel of Reconciliation

Welcome my friend

Check out Gary T Whipples book beyond the rapture
Some others are G.H.Lang Firstfruits and Harest,G.H.Pember, Robert Govett to name a few

 2011/8/29 20:32Profile

Joined: 2008/12/25
Posts: 78

 Re: Gospel of the Kingdom vs Gospel of Reconciliation

Hey, Josh!

The Gospel of the Kingdom was preached by Yeshua from the beginning, and to receive the Kingdom, you have to go through Yeshua.

Many people do not realize how tangible the idea of Yeshua coming to rule in glory was to the Jews who became believers. From the beginning, the Kingdom, on earth, and the Messiah ruling with an iron fist, with each of the Tribes in their assigned areas, and other nations and ethnos coming to Jerusalem to worship Yeshua.

However, when the Greeks got hold of some of the descriptions of that Kingdom, it got a bit esoteric, if not outright foolish, and even twisted in the beginning. And then the Catholic Church and Eastern Churches added more error, and some part of the Kingdom teaching got lost, or misinterpreted.

Many people who believe sincerely in haMessiach seem to believe that Adonai did not mean what He said about the Kingdom, or that it's part of the 'Old' Covenant, as if it is not any part of the 'New' Covenant.

Then you get more and more error added in with Dominionism, that makes it seem as if we poor muddled fools that YHVH loves are supposed to do all of Adonai's work for Him, as if we even could, as opposed to the other way around.

We who believe and trust in and lean on Adonai get entry into the Kingdom that is Yeshua's, and rule and reign with Him there as He directs, because we are redeemed in Him, and only because we are made righteous in Him.

An interesting computer word search through the entire Word
is to simply chase down what everyone has said in the scriptures about the Kingdom, and then compare what Yeshua Himself said as you proceed through the Bible.


 2011/8/29 20:36Profile

Joined: 2010/6/26
Posts: 483

 Re: Gospel of the Kingdom vs Gospel of Reconciliation


Some dispensationalists see a difference between the "Gospel of the Kingdom" and the "Gospel of Grace" (reconciliation).

Although I would not object to the fact that God has dealt with His people in a variety of ways throughout history (in accordance with the dispensation of His redemptive plan), I would say that there is only one Gospel: Jesus Christ is the embodiment of the Gospel. Before Christ, people anticipated (and prophesied) the Gospel. Then, Jesus Christ fulfilled the Gospel. After Christ, the Gospel is proclaimed, until the end. The Gospel is central to God's dealing with humanity. Jesus was the anticipation of Israel, and He is still their only hope, though for the time being, Israel (as a nation) has been grafted out because they have rejected their Messiah. As a result, the Gospel is the blessing of the nations who did not even look for Him. One day, Israel will come back, but I dare not say it will be apart from the Gospel of Christ, lest I should try to carve another way into heaven that does not go through the gate which is Christ.

So, what is the point? Beware of those whose theology makes you take your eyes off Jesus Christ. Whoever teaches a dispensation that does not find its fulfillment in Jesus Christ is in serious error. Jesus Christ did not just accomplish salvation by grace for a time. He is the fulfillment of all things. There is no other way of salvation, no other gate, no other work that God accepts. Otherwise, Christ died for nothing.

In Christ Jesus,

 2011/8/29 20:50Profile

Joined: 2003/5/8
Posts: 4419
Charlotte, NC


You cannot have reconciliation apart from God's kingdom. God's plan has always been to reconcile the world to Himself through Christ-- the King.

Jimmy H

 2011/8/29 21:48Profile

Joined: 2009/4/5
Posts: 2256
Joplin, Missouri

 Re: Gospel of the Kingdom vs Gospel of Reconciliation

It is strangely interesting how phrases and words take on so many different meanings that they have to be defined in each discussion in order that we can actually communicate about them. The term "gospel of the kingdom" had become one of those terms.

In what I believe to be its purest form the term "kingdom" in the NT has somewhat of a dual meaning. This duality is easily found by reading all of the scriptures dealing with the kingdom of God in context. You will undoubtedly come up with two different meanings. In Mark 4:11 Jesus calls it the mystery of the kingdom.

In most cases it refers to the spiritual kingdom that we all enter into through regeneration or rebirth. Be become children of or sons of God. We are not part of His kingdom. He is king and we are both heirs, sons, and obedient subjects. But in other cases we see this scripture referred to in respect of the coming physical reign of Christ on this earth. Many would call this the 1000 year Millennial reign of Christ. Again it can refer to the coming kingdom of heaven or the new heaven and new earth where Christ will also reign.

Unfortunately their have been those who have mixed these up in what I believe is an attempt to support an erroneous doctrine of dominionism. In this view many if not most of the scriptures dealing with the spiritual kingdom are re-assigned to refer to the millennial kingdom.

So really I guess it depends on which scripture is used and how it is used. Context is everything.

I would say though in a pure sense that it is regeneration that is our entrance into the kingdom of God so the two are not in conflict at all.


 2011/8/30 18:04Profile

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