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Discussion Forum : Articles and Sermons : What is the credibility of this prophetic guy John Paul Jackson?

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I applaud totally sold out Christians like John Paul Jackson, Billy Graham, Bill Johnson, Kenneth Copeland, John Hagee, and Bob Jones to name a few, for the courage and obedience to chase God with everything in them and do what they believe they heard God direct them to do. (Even if it was in a much misunderstood gift or area of ministery.

Yea, they may be sold out, but I'm not entirely sure what they are sold out too.

 2011/9/8 23:26

Joined: 2005/2/21
Posts: 417
Edmonton Alberta Cda.

 Re: Quacks & such things..

I was going to offer some great wisdom to this thread, but ....Why do people have to even ask about such an obvious Quack. Anyone with the discernment of a doorknob should be able spot a deciever like this.
Blessings Greg

ps Been away a while living it up in the world, glad to be back. Is there anyone out there that is ready to roll up thier sleeves and get to work, as the time is at hand!


 2011/9/9 0:50Profile

 Re: Was he a falsoe prophet?

Ok folks I got one for you. From history. Was Charles Finny a false prophet? Better yet was he even saved? Anyone want to take that on. I know the Calvinist don't like Finny. Funny that some of Finny's stuff can't be found on this web site. He was committed to revival. But I am courious. Anyone consider Charles Funny to be a Christian?

 2011/9/9 0:59

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