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 Jesus is Lord (Alan Hirsch - thoughts)

It is very dnagerous to follow Jesus. He assaults our idols of comfort and securtiy found in family, hearth, and home - family idols. If we give ourselves to lust and idolatry it will not satisfy us - we will only want more and we will be enslaved. The Bible talks about idolatry everywhere. We are confessing monotheists and practicing polytheists.
Christology lies at the heart of the renewal of the Christian church. We must go back to the whole of the revelation of Jesus and renew ourselves there. Jesus is the real founder of the church. We must go back to Him. Radical comes from the word radius which comes from the idea of "root." To radicalize Christianity, we must go back to the root - Jesus.
God is a sending God and Jesus is the sent one and this is shown in the incarnation. Jesus shows who God was in the Incarnation - He lived among us and became one of us. What does that say about our relationship to culture?
The Great Commission is about discipling not evangelism.
Jesus emptied himself, laid down his life, and came to serve. With Jesus at the top, you are safe. You will not be abused or harmed. It is not so much that Jesus is Godlike. It is that God is Christ-like. If we want to know who God is, we must look at Jesus. Our ultimate understanding of God comes through Jesus.
Because evangelicals focus exclusively on the Cross and Resurrection, we miss the Incarnation and what it means. We miss His mission. We miss His teachings. We need to soak ourselves in the gospels and be captivated by Jesus. What kind of holiness is it when sinners liked Jesus but don't like us? We must really begin to grasp who Jesus is and follow Him, not our concept of Him.
Jesus was accused of being a drunkard and glutton. His first miracle was to take the ceremonial washing water (religious element) and turned it to wine to celebrate with. He left us a meal of bread and wine to celebrate and remember His life with. Yet, we domesticate Him, stick him in the church, and make him a moralistic version of us. That is idolatry.

 2011/8/20 12:54

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