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 COMET ELENIN--Signs in the Heavens

Russian astronomer Leonid Elenin discovered the comet on Dec. 10, 2010, at International Scientific Optical Network’s robotic observatory near Mayhill, New Mexico. Comet Elenin will pass by the Earth on Oct 16th ~ 19th 2011 in the middle of the Feast of Tabernacles.

A rare event will occur in 2014 and 2015 of four consecutive total lunar eclipses, known as a tetrad.

In 1948 and 1967 the blood red moon tetrad occurred and then again in 1949 and 1950 on Passover and Feast of Tabernacles. There were no tetrads in the 1800s, the 1700s, the 1600s. In the 1500s, there were six, but none of those fell on Passover and Feast of Tabernacles or any feast days.

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 2011/8/12 0:28

Joined: 2011/8/12
Posts: 1

 Re: COMET ELENIN--Signs in the Heavens

On th' other side,
Incensed with indignation, Satan stood
Unterrified, and like a comet burned,
That fires the length of Ophiuchus huge
In th' arctic sky, and from his horrid hair
Shakes pestilence and war.
- Paradise Lost II

High in Front advanc’t,
The brandisht Sword of God before them blaz’d
Fierce as a Comet; which with torrid heat,
And vapour as the Libyan Air adust,
Began to parch that temperate Clime;
- Paradise Lost XII

 2011/8/12 2:51Profile


Thankyou johnmilton for that interesting poetic contribution! : )

 2011/8/12 3:50

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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