I'm sure you have all seen the news of what is taking place across England. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-14450248Mobs of youths causing total carnage and Lawlessness.Having sown the wind, are we now reaping the whirlwind? Hosea 8:7
Ezekiel 20v25, 'Therefore I also gave them up to statutes that were not good and judgments by which they could not live'.Since it is that man no longer desires God's statutes, we reap what we have sown with our own godless statutes.
Hi Enid,Interestingly, I posted a comment on the BBC News website quoting this scripture and making the comment similar to yours, that we should not be surprised that we are seeing a result of years of teaching lawlessness to Gods laws.Mine was the only comment I could see that got a lot of negative scores against! There were a lot of very politically extreme coments and hard line ones, but they did not provoke a negative reaction. What does that tell you about the state of our nation? Just reinforces the point I suppose!
The intellecutal elite have had a grand old time criticising Christianity and exhalting the virtues and abilites of man apart from God.Yet, while their societies are crumbling around them, they refuse to acknowledge that the failure they are witnessing is not faith in God or in religion to deliver on its promises, the failure is with humanisim in all its forms.Man cannot rise above what he worships. Humanity is burning and consuming itself as an offering on the altar of its own self-exhaltating philosophies.London burns because men have offered themselves to each other as gods- gods that take the slightest offense with the utmost seriousness and that do as they please.And who's to stop them afterall.
_________________Christopher Joel Dandrow
You are all right in your assessment, but please pray for us. May God use this situation to wake us all up.