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Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 Marks of a Spirit filled Church - by A.W. Tozer

Marks of a Spirit filled Church - by A.W. Tozer

Topic: Holy Spirit-filled church

Part 1:

Part 2:

 2011/8/6 16:50Profile

 Re: Marks of a Spirit filled Church - by A.W. Tozer

Does A.W. have anything on "The Marks of a Spirit-Filled Marriage"?

 2011/8/6 17:15

Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 Re: Tozer and the Spirit filled marriage

I'm not very familiar with any sermons specifically related to the Spirit filled marriage by Tozer. However, he did a series on 1 Peter which includes a passage specifically on marriage, 1 Peter 3:1-7.

The related sermon is found here:

 (1 Peter - Part 25): On Wives and Their Place in Family Life by A.W. Tozer

Topic: Family Life
Scripture(s): 1 Peter 3:1-7  
Description: The subject of 1 Peter 3:1-7 is no joking matter. In the home, says Dr. Tozer, “there’s place for recognition of the proper relationships and positions, but there is no place for domination.” “The dominating wife is a product of sin and of unbelief,” the pastor declares, “and has no place whatsoever in the will of God.” As for the husband, there is no biblical example, anywhere, for the brutal lord who rules his home with an iron hand. Pastor Tozer bravely tackles the subject of how a woman should dress, by describing four general traits: clean, neat, modest, and appropriate. “On Wives and Their Place in Family Life” is the 25th message in this 34-part study of Peter’s first epistle. It was preached in Chicago, Illinois on April 4, 1954, and its length is 29 minutes and 58 seconds.

 2011/8/6 17:30Profile


Thank you, Jeremy. I was looking for a testimonial of his own spirit-filled marriage, not really how a wife should dress. Maybe his wife has something. Did she ever write anything?

 2011/8/6 17:56

Joined: 2010/6/26
Posts: 483


Jeremy, let me clarify what Julius is saying:

Julius is trying to point out the fact that A.W. Tozer didn't seem to have a very good marriage (because apparently he was so caught up with his Savior that he seemed to neglect showing love to his wife).
Now, are these accusations justified? I don't know; they may be (but I'm not in a position to judge).

For those who think that these accusations are justified, they have trouble listening to Tozer's exhortations in light of his shortcomings in his marriage.

Now, you understand why Julius asked you about Tozer addressing "The Spirit-filled marriage".

In Christ Jesus,

"But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God."
John 3:21

 2011/8/6 18:35Profile

Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 1532

 Re: Marriage

Hi Julius21,

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to help you. I would suggest you ask the Lord to show you where to find what you ae looking for. Like I said, I am not familiar with that aspect of A. W. Tozer's life. I also would advise you to be warry of those with an axe to grind on the matter. There has been a long discussion of this matter on these forums before. This thread was posted for the edification of church. I suggest you start a thread in the general topis forum.


 2011/8/6 18:59Profile


That's pretty low Julius. All of this second-hand attempt to trash up an impecable man comes out of one statement by his wife who remarried and said that Tozer loved Jesus and her new husband loved her.

Tozer was a prophet and that lady who married him probably didn't want to be married to one, because a prophet is full-blown GOD minded - but there is zero record of him being a "bad" husband.

Dorsett waited until Ravenhill, who was a close friend of Tozer and others to die before writing that biography that he'll stand before GOD with one day. Before that one book by Dorsett was written, Tozer was known for what he was -- a prophet in his time and his work is relevent and annoited for today, tomorrow and until That Day.

Did Dorsett live in the same house with them? Does he know what trouble that woman may have been to Tozer? Do we have any idea if the woman was self-centered? Do we know how Tozer may have tried to please his wife? The only way to know this is to have lived with them 24/7, which Dorsett did not do.
As I said before, I would rather have a very busy for and devoted to GOD type of husband than one who's walk with GOD is less than that and have him more to myself.

What husband will throw the first stone? Who here also lives the life that Tozer did and could write and preach what he did?

There is zero record of any sin in that man's life besides.

If only we had a man like Tozer posting here.

 2011/8/6 19:06

 Re: Marks of a Spirit filled Church - by A.W. Tozer

Thank you Jeremy for posting these blessed sermons.

 2011/8/6 19:09


Wesley had a horrible wife and a horrible marriage, apparantly she used to drag him by the hair. I guess my point would be that no one knows the circumstances that people have to suffer behind closed doors and a true man of God would not write about a horrible Frank

 2011/8/6 20:29

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