Hi mama,I'm glad you did not take that personally. You know, once they leave your house, they will be fully tested. You have to believe that ministering the Word to them for so many years, that it will not return void. It will bear fruit. Look at Franklin Graham. Raised by Billy Graham. Sounds like from his testimony that he had to come to the end of his rope, too. I know a homeschool family that has the same testimony as you as far as how they brought up their kids and how watchful they were. Sone goes to University and gets a girl pregnant in his first semester. They are married now, but definitely not the way you want things to go down. The enemy is on an all out assault on Fathers and Mothers, too. Not just children. But we have His precious promises and I have to believe that the Lord will allow your son to come to the end of his rope until He returns home to his heavenly Father. Pray for your son's protection, fast for him, too. Bind the demonic stronghold over him and again, fast if you can. Whatever you do, don't enable him. It will only delay his fall. It will delay his moment of truth. Continue to hold the truth up to him. Remind him, gently yet firmly of what reality really is. Mike
It is all-out warfare....John Piper's son, Abraham, as well....Thank you for your encouraging words - advice well-taken...