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Joined: 2005/6/18
Posts: 1481


hi,in the bible there is a verse that called the ground holy and the hill and the convocation...this meant that the prescense of a Holy God was there. the bible is a book with paper and print but it is holy because of the same reason... it is not just words ...itcontains Gods words. when you are in Christ and His spirit is in you then you are holy.once again it is not about you but it is about Him.jimp

 2011/8/9 7:19Profile

Joined: 2009/8/31
Posts: 416
Ohio USA


Yes, it is about Him. You are holy, because He makes you holy. It is only Him. But if you aren't holy, why would He call you holy? Isn't that kind of like a lie.
Something to think about.


 2011/8/9 14:48Profile

Joined: 2011/8/5
Posts: 4


Yes you can that is what the whole book of Romans is about. Living above sin. Will you mess up and sin, yes, but will you keep doing the same sin over and over again, not unless you are a sinner.

 2011/8/9 17:33Profile

Joined: 2011/8/12
Posts: 1

 Re: What happened to Holiness

Holiness is an essential part for us Christians for Jesus said, Be ye perfect (holy) as is your Father in heaven.

I am terribly sinful and before I commit a sin, the Holy Spirit keeps whispering to me and flagging off the sin, yet I ignore Him and go sin. Wanton sin, is what I commit and I then seek forgiveness of God for I know, the sacrifice of Christ to wash my sins, requires me to be holy because He is holy. I am so fed up of sinning and I so want to be holy that I gripe in prayer asking my Father in heaven to take the seed of sin from me or take me away from the earth, for I know it is far better to be dead and not sin, then be alive and sin and misery in it. But this thing I know, I have to be holy yes, I have to be holy for only then will I get to behold His awesome Countenance and be embraced by Him, so me.

In humility

 2011/8/12 1:27Profile

 Re: What happened to Holiness

I agree with some of your post but some of it *sounds* legalistic to me. The thing about women having to wear dresses for instance. I cannot wear dresses because of feet problems (AND feet in a size that the shoe market doesnt even supply enough choices for when it comes to sandals or dress shoes!) which prevent me from wearing shoes which would go with any dress though i would love to wear dresses. Also, one cannot run in a dress and to say that women should never run or exercise because they shouldnt wear pants or active wear is intolerable (not that you have said so but it's the impression all the dress people leave me with). I sure would not want to go back to the days when women had to ride side-saddle and were not allowed to enjoy being active. I am no feminist either.

 2011/8/12 3:59

 Re: Truly holy

We are not called to be holy as though what is required is like snow covering the rubbish tip. No, we are indeed to be holy as He is holy and walk as He walked, entirely submitted to the will of His Father and doing nothing that He did not see His Father do or say anything His Father would not say. If it were not possible then there would not be somuch about it in the NT or so many pictures of it and types in the OT.

Christ came to deal with our sin and died to take it away not leave us with it. Now men say this is impossible, but the scriptures say that all things are possible and how can`t a holy God make His people holy? It is only impossible if it is to be their own holiness, but it is not - it is to be the life of the Son of God living in us and where He abides sin must die.

Yes we must die - die to our old sinful nature. How can a man die and stay alive? The scripture says it is possible, Paul says he has been crucified with Christ. But how can we make this a reality for us? It is through faith. Faith that He has made it possible for us to be without sin and a willingness, nay a desperation that unless we are holy we do not want to live any longer with this stinking wretched old nature, that drifts from Him only hours away from feeling His presence nearby, and seeing miracles. Soon after we drift and are too busy for Him.

If we have not got to the stage when the old nature is like a corpse around our necks then we are not ready yet - we are compromising with sin still and do not hate it yet - a very sorry state to be in. We are held by a thread over the gates of hell and the Lord could drop us at any moment. Lord knows He has been tried so many times with our rebelliousness.

We must come to Jesus and confess we have lived outside of His kingdom through the exercise of our own wills, and submit ourselves to His complete lordship and give up everything- yes everything. The man who says God have mercy will be heard.

The man however who does not believe in the full gospel will harden his heart and the devil will say wait, wait till you have proof that this is true, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. So do not harden your hearts but come to Him today when He is calling. Calling His people to be holy and give up the pretence of an unholy `Christianity`.

 2011/8/12 4:50

Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862


Holiness never left. Christ is Holiness, infact its proclaimed about it above all other attrubites when He is seated on His throne, the Cherubim and Seraphim constantly cry HOLY,HOLY,HOLY is the LORD God ALMIGHTY.

Is Christ in you? If so holiness should and can be found there. If not then we must go to the Cross and through Faith and Grace have the Holy Spirit given and Received from God, to guide and instruct us in the ways of God.

Will we mess up? Most certainly but that is not the point because its not about our holiness but Christ's Holiness in us.

Matthew Guldner

 2011/8/12 5:40Profile

Joined: 2005/11/2
Posts: 3710


If we study Paul in the scriptures, he had the most intimate knowledge of how the human being operates. He said that the dividing of soul and spirit is what God has done, and by doing this we have either the Spirit of Holiness or the spirit of sin and death, satan. If the soul and spirit were not divided we would still be under the influence of our old father the devil. The Spirit of Christ in us now gives us the ability to be Holy before the Father, who is Spirit. Christ must be worshiped with the Father and the Holy Spirit as One. The soul is given Holiness by the Holy Spirit teaching us what Christ said, and does in our Spirit making us son's of God. We have the mind of Christ also, that is what Paul says. The Holy Spirit is helping us renew our old man minds to the New birth of the Christ mind in us. That sharp two edged sword brings us into fellowship with the Father in Spirit by faith. The soul still has the old man body pulls and is still able to comfort of sinning for the flesh, which use to be our only way of life. Now we have a new life in us The Spirit of, "Christ in you the hope of Glory", He is now our peace, a Godly peace not the peace of the world. but peace and Holiness in Christ our new life, Husband, Savior, Lover, 1Cor 13 Love is = Christ is. God did not save me to make me better, He saved me to make me a new creature in Christ and His working in me makes me what the Father desires. I can do all the work of the bible and the Law and it still won't save me, That takes Christ in me by the incorruptable Seed of the Father born again in me.

In Christ who is our only Holiness.


 2011/8/12 15:02Profile

Joined: 2009/8/31
Posts: 416
Ohio USA


If a person is living in sin, they are of their "father the devil." Hebrews talks about continuing in sin and putting Christ to an open shame (Heb. 6:4-6).

Also, what is so hard about dressing modest (Deut. 22:5; I Tim. 2:9-10; I Peter 3:3-6)?


 2011/8/12 16:43Profile

Joined: 2005/11/2
Posts: 3710


If a person is living in sin, it is their sin not the devils. Who will set us free from this body of sin? How?


 2011/8/12 17:36Profile

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