In Jeremiah 15:16-21: We see three conditions to be a spokesman for God.First of all: Lord, I found Your words, and Your word has become for me the joy and delight of my heart (v.16). Gods word must be the joy and delight of your heart. Just like a businessman has joy in making money, your joy must be in getting into Gods word. Many want to be preachers today, who do not spend time digging into Gods word, and who dont look at Gods word as the joy and delight of their hearts.Secondly: I did not sit in the circle of merrymakers(v.17). When other people in Judah were partying and having fun, Jeremiah went away by himself to be alone with God. If you dont discipline yourself to stay away from the jokers of this world, you can never be a spokesman for God. I am not saying that humour and clean jokes are wrong. But many Christians dont know where to stop in such matters - they are perpetual jokers. Jeremiah made sure that he didnt spend time with such people.Thirdly: Jeremiah made a complaint to God in verse 18 saying, Lord, why have You let me down? You have been to me like a deceptive stream, like unreliable water. I come to the stream thinking there is water there and there is none. You have let me down. The Lord said, Dont ever say things like that to Me. the Lord rebuked Jeremiah for speaking words of unbelief (v.19). God never lets us down. He is not like an unreliable stream. Jeremiah was depending on his feelings and looking at his circumstances. The Lord told him, If you return to Me, and get rid of the habit of speaking worthless words (like the ones you just spoke - idle, useless words and words of unbelief) and ensure that you speak only precious words (of faith and goodness), then you will be My mouthpiece.How many of you want to be Gods mouthpiece? I am not talking about being a preacher of dead sermons that come from some book you read, but being Gods spokesman. If you want to be that, then dont waste time in useless company, but redeem your time and spend it digging into Gods Word. Let that be your delight. Get rid of useless conversation and speak words of faith always and only good words in all your conversation. Then the Lord will make you His mouth. There is no partiality with God.
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
Excellent word!
Amen, it is excellent. Shared with a group I am in and they were blessed by it as well. Oh, praise God for these mighty men of God who humble themselves and seek His face. All glory to Him.
Secondly: I did not sit in the circle of merrymakers(v.17). When other people in Judah were partying and having fun, Jeremiah went away by himself to be alone with God. If you dont discipline yourself to stay away from the jokers of this world, you can never be a spokesman for God. I am not saying that humour and clean jokes are wrong. But many Christians dont know where to stop in such matters - they are perpetual jokers. Jeremiah made sure that he didnt spend time with such people.