"If a woman can get away with usurping authority OVER a man, then it is the man's fault for allowing it."It's only the fault of men if they stay after women and men have stolen the God ordained control of the Church from men.
_________________Christopher Joel Dandrow
I edited to add to my last post Chris, about Adam.I think the horse that I'm riding - not beating - is Biblical Doctrine - about the role of men and women in the Church. Did the Apostles allow such things in The Church?If a particular Church does not have Godly men who know how to properly oversee the Church - then it's time to move on to another fellowship - just as I would if a woman Pastor took over and I'm just a female.How can The Church be a witness to other religions or whomever, unless our men can stand up and lead both men and women?Not arguing with you, Chris - just wanting to see the Biblical view of men over The Church and what that entails.GOD made men to Protect women - not be ruled by them.Shalom!
"I think the horse that I'm riding - not beating - is Biblical Doctrine - about the role of men and women in the Church. Did the Apostles allow such things in The Church?"None of which is in dispute here or among the people on this site. But your horse keeps leaving tracks that say Biblical authority in Churches was undermined soley because men failed to assume their roles of leadership and protection over women. Which is nonsense.Both men and women have participated in forcing out those who maintained Biblical doctrine, IN SPITE of their protest.They did lay down their lives to protect their congregation and the women in them. But you can't protect someone while they have a strangle hold on your neck. When there was rebellion in David's kingdom through his own son, David left.And the result of the feminist inspired rebellion along with all the other humanist inspired ideologies and doctrines from among and within the Bible believing Churches has been inummerable church splits and new demonminations.To say that its the result of men alone failing in their responsibilty to stand for truth and doctrine is a pot of nonsense.Paul forbid women to teach because SHE WAS FIRST DECIEVED. And deception begets more deception.