Think about this: a lot of people look back fondly on the 1950's. The "Leave It To Beaver" decade. But really I blame the parents of the post-war 1950's for the mess we are in now. There was some horrible parenting going on because those are the people who produced the Woodstock generation (and women's lib)... and it's all downhill from there.That 1950's generation left God behind. The result was Woodstock. Krispy
I have been treated well by my first and last husband which happen to be the one and same! :-)My preacher-grandpa treated me with love as did my uncles. And how I loved, respected and admired them - although this love and respect varied with individuals.
_________________Sandra Miller
Thats just it, Ginny... if husbands loved their wives as Christ loves the church what woman would want to be a women's-libber? Not that men are the cause of that movement, women can be rebels just like men can be. We are all natural born rebels and haters of God and the things of God.Krispy
by Endzone on 2011/8/4 5:02:32I'm 54, and I've been around this now for 30 or 40 years. Wasn't the feminist movement an undeclared act of war against men? Or, do you believe the feminist movement was justified and that women were treated badly? Do you think Christian women have bought into the feminist movement? ________________I would like to answer but from a different point of view if that is ok. I was brought up during the late seventies and into the eighties. Feminism was taught in school where I went actually. I can still remember in the third grade my teacher, she was really a nice lady but a feminist to be sure. Many of her values struck a cord with me because things at home were not so great. Mom worked her bottom off while dad did his own thing. Mom was the support and back bone of our family while dad was mostly missing in action so to me as a young girl a lot of the things my feminist teacher was saying sounded really good. I hated seeing my mom being taken advantage of. I hated the attitude that some men had toward their wives, treating them as if they were there only to be at their disposal. So I was open and very fast forward a few years and as a now saved Christian wife and mom some of those old feminist teachings still linger and it has at times in the past been a real struggle for me to die to. I have come along way, God has done a mighty work in my life but there are times every now and then that I still want to insert my opinion or prove I am capable. I especially have a hard time with older men who think that their wives have no voice, that they belong only to serve them. My father in law can be like that. Instead of loving his wife as the Lord instructs him to. It can be a really difficult thing to over come because there are real tragic stories out there of women being abused and mistreated but feminism is not the answer, Jesus alone is. If both my husband and myself are seeking Jesus and walking with HIM daily then our marriage will be strong and we will both be able to function just as Jesus has plan for us to :)God Blessmary
Yes, I would love to read it. I'm begging for something to read now days. Could you email me so that I could pass along my address? Book rate should be very cheap to send if you don't mind.Thanks,Endzone[email protected]
Thanks White_Stone. I'm so glad to hear that you are enjoying a good marriage relationship.
I would like to answer but from a different point of view if that is ok. I was brought up during the late seventies and into the eighties. Feminism was taught in school where I went actually. I can still remember in the third grade my teacher, she was really a nice lady but a feminist to be sure. Many of her values struck a cord with me because things at home were not so great. Mom worked her bottom off while dad did his own thing. Mom was the support and back bone of our family while dad was mostly missing in action so to me as a young girl a lot of the things my feminist teacher was saying sounded really good. I hated seeing my mom being taken advantage of. I hated the attitude that some men had toward their wives, treating them as if they were there only to be at their disposal. So I was open and very fast forward a few years and as a now saved Christian wife and mom some of those old feminist teachings still linger and it has at times in the past been a real struggle for me to die to. I have come along way, God has done a mighty work in my life but there are times every now and then that I still want to insert my opinion or prove I am capable. I especially have a hard time with older men who think that their wives have no voice, that they belong only to serve them. My father in law can be like that. Instead of loving his wife as the Lord instructs him to. It can be a really difficult thing to over come because there are real tragic stories out there of women being abused and mistreated but feminism is not the answer, Jesus alone is. If both my husband and myself are seeking Jesus and walking with HIM daily then our marriage will be strong and we will both be able to function just as Jesus has plan for us to :)God Blessmary
Endzone"I'm 54, and I've been around this now for 30 or 40 years. Wasn't the feminist movement an undeclared act of war against men? Or, do you believe the feminist movement wasjustified and that women were treated badly? Do you think Christian women have boughtinto the feminist movement? ____________________________________________________________Endzone, I do not think that the feminine movement for equality in law was an attack on anything, and had it stayed at equality of treatment in law and wages, no one should object to it. But it wasn't. Instead the desire to be able to vote, to not be robbed by their husbands, nor treated as chattel was twisted, in my opinion, by dark forces, to cause the family to break down, and with it, traditional society.From the people I have talked to, and observed myself, I have gotten the impression that a lot of women would be delighted to go back to traditional, covenantal relationships, but can find a good, Believing guy. How any of us are to manuever in this society where both women and men are bombarded with sexual imagery, and a propaganda war from the feminazi's and their demon cohorts, I don't know. Unfortunately, even those women who would gladly walk back into the position of being a strong women behind a strong man are trapped in what seems to be the end of days beginning, and the Adversary has things set up to a point that there is no way back, not entirely at least.It would be nice to think that all Believers brought up in a loving home would live only at the equality end of the picture, but men, even Believing men of good intent, are controlled by the social forces around us. The fact that many men from the 1890's on knew how badly some women were treated, and yet said nothing, and did less due to their comfort in resting at the top of the family pyramid, and their inability to see that feminine equality and voting rights did not have to make any real dent in their command structure, and that they could have stopped some of the worst abuses of feminazi actions by a little pre-emptive thoughtfulness. ___________________________________________________________"But I guess as a single never married guy I sometimes wonder how this feminism stuffapplies to me? I've never been married. What woman did I mistreat? I never once livedwith a girl. In fact I've only had 1 real girlfriend in my life. But I've confessed before thatI had a LOT of sexual sin in my life." ___________________________________________________________Endzone, single or not, you are part of the mess we have on our hands. Even if you have done no wrong to any woman, all of us are being taught to Fight against God's curse on women, to bear children in pain, and look to their husbands, just as men are being taught that to accept that taking their position, and responsibilities at the top of family tree are no longer necessary. It affects us all, particularly as westerners marry later and later, and bring few offspring into the world, changing the demographics that affect how our lives will be led.As for sin, that seems to be a problem for both sexes.If you would like to marry, there are plenty of fish in the sea. But to catch fish, one needs the right bait. Make your self over in Yeshua, and think of how He would have loved a woman, and how He would have treated a wife, had He chosen to take one. Plan to be that man, pray for help, and you will find even in these days, a partner to stand in equality at your side, who is yet willing to lean on you, as you lean on Adonai.Q
Krispy, you said:Thats just it, Ginny... if husbands loved their wives as Christ loves the church what woman would want to be a women's-libber? Lots of people reject Christ, who never sinned and never treated anyone other than the right way. How easy is it to reject someone who is a sinner and is imperfect and makes mistakes? I am in the process of divorce (not my choice). The women's lib movement is a huge factor in the failure of my marriage. I read a statement from someone that said that the legal system as it exists today encourages women to divorce their husbands, and it turns out that it is true. The legal system does not care about the people involved, or their beliefs. Please pray for my family, as the legal system will not and will just fill in the blanks on the forms, which are terribly flawed, and then turn their backs on the outcome.If you find fault in my statements, please say so and I will repent.
I question the necessity of this thread.
_________________Matthew Guldner