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 If you're a guy, have you had enough of the feminist movement?

I'm 54, and I've been around this now for 30 or 40 years. Wasn't the feminist movement an undeclared act of war against men? Or, do you believe the feminist movement was justified and that women were treated badly? Do you think Christian women have bought into the feminist movement?

 2011/8/4 11:02

 Re: If you're a guy, have you had enough of the feminist movement?

a) Yes

b) Sometimes

c) Definitely

Women leaving the children to pursue careers and declaring their independence from their husbands... and husbands not having any backbone and/or being consumed by greed (gotta have more stuff, send the wife to work) has worked together to utterly destroy the family.

And then so-called "churches" ignoring the written and clear teaching of scripture and ordaining women as "pastors" has reaped all manner of evil.

Is that strong enough for ya?


 2011/8/4 11:12


Thanks for your answers krispykrittr. That's how I would have answered A, B, & C too.

Yes, I think I understand your position on this--haha.

 2011/8/4 11:17

Joined: 2010/6/26
Posts: 483

 Re: If you're a guy, have you had enough of the feminist movement?

You might be interested to know that Wayne Grudem has done quite a bit of work on the issue of feminism.

 2011/8/4 11:18Profile

Joined: 2011/1/12
Posts: 1395
Lakeland FL


I am sick of the feminist movement myself. I told my wife when I see the word I also think of militancy.

What is really bad for me is I have to take a course in college called Intro to Women's studies. With it being college it will not doubt be feminist. The book itself is called 'Women's voices, Feminist Visions'. A guy a teaching this course.


 2011/8/4 11:19Profile


Yea, it looks like a good read. But if I wasn't broke, I wouldn't have near as much time to spend on internet BBs.

I'm waiting for the next post that will be from a lady that was mistreated by her first husband. I know it's coming, but I'm surprised by your responses. Thanks.

 2011/8/4 11:20


I think the feminist movement started back in Gen3. Is that right Krispy?

 2011/8/4 12:11

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 1196
North Central Florida


Endzone "I'm waiting for the next post that will be from a lady that was mistreated by her first husband."

Here I am! I have NEVER supported 'Woman's Lib.' It disgusts me. At the time of my 1st marriage I was young and ignorant but never blamed men. At the time of my 2nd marriage I was still young and still ignorant, still did not blame men. At the time of my 3rd marriage God blessed me richly. Both my 3rd husband and I had been exposed to Christian preaching and saved in our teens, although we back slid. Thank God for his mercy and forgiveness.

Still, I blame the women not the men. Got that clear?

white stone


 2011/8/4 12:13Profile

Joined: 2010/6/26
Posts: 483


I have the book. I can send it to you for free. Do you really want it?


 2011/8/4 12:16Profile


Martyr... lol... I'd have to agree with that!


 2011/8/4 12:34

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