Poster | Thread | Renoncer Member

Joined: 2010/6/26 Posts: 483
| Re: | | Bible4life,
Don't let the devil discourage you and make you think that there's no hope. There is hope. Is the arm of the Lord too short that it cannot save? Of course not! (Isaiah 59:1) Take the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) and begin using it the way it was meant to be used. When temptation to lust comes, quote Matthew 5:27-30, 1 Corinthians 10:13, Ephesians 5:3-5, 1 Peter 1:14-16, until the Spirit of God has slain the temptation. The Word of God is mighty, and so is His Spirit. Find the passages that apply to your situation, memorize them, and have them handy for the day of evil, so that you may be able to stand. And, once you have done everything, YOU WILL STAND.
But, you need to go to your church and CONFESS YOUR SINS TO THEM, and for THEM TO PRAY OVER YOU. The best thing for you is to bring out everything in the light and to throw yourself upon Christ as your life depends on it.
May God have mercy on you. Remember, His mercies are NEW every morning.
In Christ Jesus, Renoncer |
| 2011/8/31 16:05 | Profile | learjet Member

Joined: 2010/4/19 Posts: 447
| Re: | | Bible4life,
You wrote:
I believe the Lord has given me my last warning to falling into my lust again
Who told you that? What lying spirit?
Jesus said "I will NEVER leave you or forsake you"
Many time demonic forces will come at mind mind 'like an angel of light' just like yours, only to be rebuked and sent away.
We can't erase our minds but we can confess our sin and "If we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness." 1 John 1:9 that my friend is the truth.
So when demonic forces try to remind me of my sins, I remind them that I have confessed my sin and because He is faithful and just, He forgives me. I don't go on and on anymore confessing sins that I've already asked forgiveness for, to do so would be unbelief, if His Word says that I am forgiven, all I have to do is believe what He said in His word, and I'm forgiven.
To be sure there will be flaming arrows launched into my mind from the evil one, but the shield of faith protects me and they usually bounce off and go away. What is my faith in? "If we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness." -1 John 1:9
The devil will shoot thoughts into your mind and then tell you how dirty you are for the thoughts that he placed there, it's a tactic that used to work but now I recognize the source, you can too. Stand firm!!!
Praise the Lord and I hope this helps you! (I know it did me when I got the revelation) |
| 2011/8/31 20:12 | Profile |
| Re: | | I think that has been one of my deepest struggles is believing lying spirits, that is what has been the cause of my continous back problems. You know 4 years of fear in the same condition is not a good thing, well 4 years of believing a lie, with my soul and just all these demonic attacks, i am trying to believe the truth. Please pray that Christ would help me stand up in faith against the lie of satan and that i would trust His word. I know that i have sin that has also brought this struggle upon me, but i see that i need to be made clean in my heart and i want to, i want to be set free and live whole heartily for Jesus. Today i feel bombarded again by these spirits with my sin and my back again , willl you please pray against these spirits with me that are trying to torment me everyday and not just for my peace, but for God's glory and that I would learn to honor Christ fully in my life for now on. I need to believe so much. |
| 2011/9/2 6:33 | |
| Re: | | You know i have just came to end of all of this, i cant ever seem to find any hope the last 4 years. I feel the Lord has just gave up on me and let me go completely. I don't know how much i have just sought and sought the Lord in prayer and got into his word and done almost everything you can do to be free. But my heart just gets harder and harder and i am given into more and more of my sins, i just feel like the Lord has completely left m forever, i have no hope. I have sought Christ and begged for mercy to no avail, this is the faith that i had so desperately needed mercy and when you look at the scriptures it seems that is what it proclaims is mercy, but i have just not found it. I have screwed up my life, but no matter how much will power i just can't believe, i desire more than anything to believe and know Christ again, but he has left me and will not return, i give up, i can't go on like this sometimes i have hope, but then i get harder and harder and never change and never have faith and never am delivered, i am just tortured day in and day out, my life is now just all in vain without Christ, but he will never come back to me. |
| 2011/9/4 1:17 | | MyVeryHeart Member

Joined: 2010/8/30 Posts: 449 Paradise, California
| Re: | | Come unto me, all [ye] that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke [is] easy, and my burden is light. -Matthew 11:28-30 _________________ Travis
| 2011/9/4 1:41 | Profile | brothergary Member

Joined: 2011/8/6 Posts: 103
| Re: | | brother have you been involved with the word of faith movment or with teachings in conection with tod bently |
| 2011/9/4 2:52 | Profile |
| Re: | | no not at all, but i did come to the Lord through healing by Christ, but the healing brought me to the reality of God and a desire for God's word and to desire to obey God's word, i don't know for sure if i was really converted but by desires did change and i could sense the difference between the lost and the saved, and i lost a lot of desire for the things of the world and desired the things of God, everything really got bad for me when i fell into sexual sin 2 months later and stayed in an unrepentant state for about 3 years. Since then my spiritual life has been just hurt and i just been on a downward spiral since falling into these sexual sins with an unsaved women who i am now married to, but love dearly. I believe the Lord has forgiven me, but i am just finding it impossible to walk in the Spirit and just believing the Lord, my faith has been wounded severely and i just really seem to have lost the voice of God. Through this i try to obey the Lord and just continue to fall, and when i am serving i fall fast back into sin because i don't feel empowered at all to live for Christ, i feel like a dead man walking. I just feel so corrupt. I know things would change if Gods Spirit was working in me. |
| 2011/9/6 1:09 | |
| Re: | | Brothers and sisters can you pray for me strongly again today i am being heavily under attack again with my pride and lust again at my job and it is opening the door to demonic attacks again on me, please pray for my protection and strength and deliverance, i really need to get another job, i am just to weak to work around a bunch of women, some days i am strong and can avoid it as much as possible, but i just seem to not be strong enough. Please pray strongly for me, i am becoming very burdened by all of this again. |
| 2011/9/6 7:03 | | AbideinHim Member

Joined: 2006/11/26 Posts: 5185 Louisiana
| Re: | | Brother,
The Lord is able to keep you from falling. He is your strength and His grace is sufficient for you. God's grace is made perfect in your weakness, so you must not only acknowledge your weakness, but trust in the One that lives in you, who will deliver you from every evil work of the enemy.
Mike _________________ Mike
| 2011/9/6 7:12 | Profile | Renoncer Member

Joined: 2010/6/26 Posts: 483
| | 2011/9/6 13:32 | Profile |