Poster | Thread | dolfan Member

Joined: 2011/8/23 Posts: 1727 Tennessee, but my home's in Alabama
| RU | | Brother, I saw on an old post that you have an RU chapter at your church. My guess is that you are not in the curriculum, not following the discipleship plan under your pastor. If I'm wrong, please accept my apology for guessing. _________________ Tim
| 2011/8/24 21:34 | Profile |
| Re: RU | | Yah i have been out of church an a month now, with how everything had been going i really didnt feel it was right for me to go to back, i stopped doing the bible study i was leading their and also the one at my work. I was just not in the spiritual state to lead them anymore, i also had a lot of pride that was left unchecked. i also have been questioning my salvation for a long time to. To sum it up i really need to just get everything right with the lord, i am a big mess in general. |
| 2011/8/25 0:36 | | crusader Member

Joined: 2006/2/22 Posts: 413 Australia:
| Re: | | Hi Bible4life
over the last 3months i have been underfire big time, at first temptation was so strong that sin won in my life the more i prayed and repented the more my sin increased. i felt so condemnd that 5 days ago i was in the brink of loosing my mind and committing suicide over my sexual sin. i had no where else to go so i prayed to the Father and asked him to bring someone in my life that would give me his word. A holy spirit filled man of God came into my life and prayed with me and everyword he said broke these things over me and for the first time i actually felt free. as a result my mind has been in peace and the Father is ministering to me everyday.
Satan brings condemnation to cloud our understanding of what our relationship is with him. it distorted his grace towards me so much so that i believed i could be holy by my works.this was a trap in my thinking almost like a python that slowly crushed me to a point that i couldnt breath. condemnation brings fear, conviction brings truth and freedom. after i felt Gods grace towards me things started to change almost rapidly. the world will cut up and destroy bruised reids but the Father does not he heals them. when God showed me this i felt his love for me so much so that i started crying in cafe because this was something new to me. his peace entered my heart and i found a new joy in the knowledge of who i am too him.
i had a destorted picture of who a father should be due to my own father and when it came to love what was love? today i am sitting hear with a smile on my face cause i know what a real father feels like that loves me. anyway i pray that in the mist of your fear that the father will show you his grace for you through Jesus Christ. Know this that the Father has known you and knows where you are at go to him in jesus name and seek his comfort and grace.
_________________ karl rashleigh
| 2011/8/28 20:33 | Profile |
| Re: | | great to hear about your deliverance, praise God. I am doing better with the lust, just have to be weary. |
| 2011/8/29 1:22 | | dolfan Member

Joined: 2011/8/23 Posts: 1727 Tennessee, but my home's in Alabama
| Re: | | Brother, I won't needle you. But, I will say this as a brother. Please, before the Lord, I beg you to get back there and get back into RU.
We both know that Jesus wants you for His own. He wants to lead you, shepherd you, love you, tend to you, grow you, reshape you and put you on strong spiritual footing so that when all the fiery darts of the wicked one are exhausted, you stand. Can you pray that? Can you just stop where you are this moment and confess to God that you are His, and that all your own ways, thoughts, justifications, excuses and weights are of your own devises? Can you honestly cast off those weights you've strapped onto your shoulders?
Might I gently suggest something? I don't know you, but I believe (sense in the Spirit) that you are a proud brother. You have stood against the attack of the enemy, but on your own power and your own terms. You've been overtaken by one who says, "Jesus I know, and Paul I know, but I don't know you." You've been whipped by lust, temptation, enticement, sin, and disobedience in part because of pride. I don't know if your pride is a pride of the eyes, of the flesh or the pride of life -- that is, I don't know if you esteem yourself among men by virtue of possession and status, whether you have pursued the things and affections of others because you didn't have them and decided you wanted them (i.e., another man's woman or another woman than your own), or if you've simply thought highly enough of your own self that you neglected the salvation that snatched you from the fires of hell in the first place. BUT, what I read when you minimize the helpful pleas of others -- i.e., when you say that you've been out of church and don't feel right going back, etc. --that seems proud.
May I humbly ask you to do something? Spit that pride out. If you were wronged, please suffer the wrong as Jesus suffered wrong. If you weren't wrong, seek peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. One or the other must be true, surely. Go back. Get into the curriculum again. Dive back into the study of the sincere milk of the Word and let the Holy Spirit nurture you back to strength so that you can come to the table of the Lord and dine on the bread of life and receive the meat of strong doctrine and a made-right spirit.
I pray the Lord's victory for you, my brother. _________________ Tim
| 2011/8/29 14:44 | Profile |
| Re: | | Brother thank you for being honest with me. I do feel i have pride in my heart and i don't know exactly myself what it is exactly but i feel i do have it. |
| 2011/8/30 2:10 | |
| Re: | | Brother today was really strange and i am being truthful, i went downtown with my wife and her sister today and this spirit came on me and it was a spirit of pride that was trying to confuse me and tell me i was god and it hounded me all day. Then we had drove by my church today and this spirit of hatred came out of nowhere as we passed the church. I have realized that i over the past couple of years have grown bitter towards my church and christians in general, i use to go to church and felt not accepted so i stopped going for some time and never had anyone contact me or anything so i grew even more bitter and i think angry at my church. Then i started going to church again this past year more often with a new pastor and he gave me a chance to preach and lead bible studies and i began to teach and i think look down upon the church members and started lifting myself up because of my knowledge. I have a problem with a lack of acceptance and i grow bitter and jealous really easy and i get angry easy too. But i have so much pride in me, not just lust but pride, anger, bitterness, jealousy, unforgiveness and hatred towards many people and christians and my church. Please pray about this for me, i feel absolutely miserable and unable to get rid of all of this. |
| 2011/8/30 23:19 | |
| Re: | | i really am at a breaking point, brothers and sisters please pray for me, i really can't take much more of all my problems and sins and confusion. |
| 2011/8/31 0:51 | | Renoncer Member

Joined: 2010/6/26 Posts: 483
| Re: | | Bible4life, I think Dolfan put his finger on the root of the problem.
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom. (Proverbs 11:2)
Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. It is better to be of a lowly spirit with the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud. (Proverbs 16:18-19)
You see, you want others to think you are a spiritual giant, that you ought to be their teacher. But, the Lord is showing you that apart from His grace, you are powerless and worthless. What is it worth to have knowledge without power? What is it worth to know the Bible, and yet be unable to do what is says? (James 1:22-25)
For the kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in power. (1 Corinthians 4:20)
The Lord is disciplining you and showing you that you are nothing. Only when you humble yourself before men and before God will the Lord give you deliverance. I am speaking from experience of having been disciplined because of my sinful pride. Oh, but praise the Lord that He is treating you as His child! (Hebrews 6-8)
Here is what you need to do: Confess your sins to your brothers and sisters in the Lord. Confess your pride. Confess your condescending attitude. Confess your lust. Confess your lack of self-control. Confess your bitterness and jealousy. Confess all known sins. Call it what it is. Have the people pray over you. Then, let the Spirit of God do His work. (James 5:16) Instead of hiding behind a computer screen, come out in the open before your brothers and sisters of your own church.
I have confidence that you will be healed and delivered. But, you must humble yourself first.
In Christ Jesus, Renoncer |
| 2011/8/31 9:32 | Profile |
| Re: | | i have a lot of pride aND EVIL THOUGHTS TOO TOWARDS PEOPLE, I HAVE LOOKED DOWN ON PEOPLE A LOT. I realize their was a time when this all began, which could be lack of acceptance of me or when people seemed to not care about me and throughout my life it has just grown to bitterness and anger and hatred. I mean when the Lord first came into my life i did forgive people and let things go usually as soon as they hurt me, but my sexual sin could have brought other sins in my life that started manifesting, because things just got worse after i fell into sexual sins. Maybe this was the fruit of my bondage to it possibly.But anyways, please pray the Lord would bring godly conviction and godly repentance into my life that i may truly repent and have godly sorrow. I just feel the lord has just let me go in a sense, things just won't get better. |
| 2011/8/31 13:01 | |