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i see what your saying sister, that really was my original purpose of this whole thing, but then i started to strongly attacked with lust. I have been struggling all day long, it is crazy, then when i fall into having this wrong feeling or lust i feel as if the lord is going to chastize me, then i was thinking, i am trying to fight this, why would the Lord hurt someone who is trying to fight against it. Yes i would only want this if it is the Lords will. But thank you sister, thank you also for introducing the one brother to me, he understands me a lot which is good. But anyways, please keep me in prayer for me to be set free.

 2011/8/8 0:45


brothers and sisters please keep me in prayer i been heavily attacked with lust and the demonic attacks on my back extremely, i am having a hard time getting through everyday with this, it is hard to work and just function properly because of all of this, you know examining the whole situation i have heard everything and i have contemplated whether or not am i truly saved, are these really demons r is this a real back injury or not, is this a chemical imbalance in my mind, or this a man struggling in his walk withthe lord, i am still trying to figure things out, this is not easy for me, i wish i never would have allowed satan to ever have a stronghold in my life, but the lord is merciful and gracious. Please your prayers are always needed and appreciated.

 2011/8/11 4:23

Joined: 2011/4/2
Posts: 103
Lake Charles, LA


I think it is very hard for anyone to be able to tell over the internet what exactly is going on dear brother. I am very sorry this is happening to you but I'm sure the Lord of Lords is in control. After reading this last comment I began to wonder if you don't have a prayer group you could reach out to? Are there no other Christians around that can get down on there knees with you and cry out to God? I would be praying for help from other brother and sisters in my area to come pray with me and seek the Lord on this very serious matter!


Bryan Reed

 2011/8/11 4:34Profile


I have met my pastor and even many brothers on the phone for prayer. As to update my situation my wife and this girl are hanging out still. I actually one day last week tried just to stop all kind of friendship at all and i told her that i could no longer hangout with her even when i am with my wife and also that i thought it would be good that she stopped hanging out with my wife because of my struggles. Well anyways she was fine with it, but my wife on the other hand was not at all thrilled, she wanted to divorce me, she was tired of me ruining everything for her she said, well i ended up just telling them if they want to be friends they can. I really just am trying to stay my distance. I prayed if it was Gods will then so be it, but if it wasnt that the Lord would just stop this whole thing, but they as of late are really getting along, i just pray that the Lords will be done, not mine. I still am hearing the voice that says that i am going to be punished worse with my back for getting myself involved with this whole mess, but i really have tried to get myself out of it, the problem is my wife wants to be friends. I just wish i knew if this was the Lord or if this was the enemy, because say i was going against Gods will then it is possible he might be chastizing my back because of that, but if this satan messing with my mind then it is demonic spirits attacking my back and trying to decieve me. I as of late have been really trying to get closer to the Lord since all of this, please keep me in prayer still.And my wife's salvation.

 2011/8/13 4:06


Yes Lysa i got rid of her phone number and even facebook, i am just letting my wife really communicate with her. My wife really wanted me to go to six flags with them, but i just don'think God wants me to go. She invited her over when i am working tommorow. I do wonder if i am freaking out too much, but i am having a lust problem with her, satan is also attacking me strongly with the lust, i really didn't feel this way until this whole hanging out thing happened. I really would rather not be thinking about this anymore and just focus on the lord, just keep praying for my peace, clarity of mind to make right decisions and just to hear the voice of god. Also protection.

 2011/8/13 4:24


please pray for the demons attacking my back and my mind to leave too, they just keep tormenting me everytime i sin or think i sin.

 2011/8/13 4:25

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!



You didn't answer my question... have you fasted? This is one thing that YOU can do for yourself spiritually to get help and that is to fast while you pray. But as my pastor/mentor always said, "When you get sick and tired of being sick and tired, that's when you'll do something about it."

God bless you brother, I pray that you'll get sick and tired of being sick and tired very soon,
Sister Lisa


 2011/8/13 7:23Profile

Joined: 2010/6/26
Posts: 483


You need to stand on God's promises. Don't listen to the devil who tries to put fear in your heart. Listen to God's word. "The Lord rebuke you, Satan!"

Psalm 38 is for you, now. Cry out that prayer and remember that the one who wrote it was not damned, but was even a man after God's own heart.

After God has taken you through Psalm 38 and Psalm 39, He will take you to Psalm 40. Don't just read it. Make it your prayer, make it your plea. Then, you will see that Psalm 34 is true.

In Christ Jesus,

 2011/8/13 7:46Profile

Joined: 2010/6/26
Posts: 483


Be encouraged. Listen to this sermon.

If you want more sermons like that, you can go to

 2011/8/13 7:54Profile


Lysa a few weeks ago i had fasted for 7 days straight before this exact temptation i have been off and on and i had prayed a lot and got in the word, but their was no change and i got no answers really at all. I have fasted for a few days as of late off and on , sometimes throughout the day, God really has been silent to me from what I know of making this 100 mpercent clear. Like i said i just want to focus on the things of God and not worrying about another woman. I really am struggling right now and I just want to be right with God.

 2011/8/13 13:17

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