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Discussion Forum : Revivals And Church History : Jesus Culture Awakening 2011 *Concerned

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Joined: 2011/8/3
Posts: 4

 Jesus Culture Awakening 2011 *Concerned

Not sure if any of you know but many people including my friends & family are going to the Jesus Culture Awakening Conference currently happening in Chicago (8/3rd-5th/2011). People from all around the world are viewing this (in attendance/internet stream). I know most are going primarily for the music. I am concerned for those coming to this event primarily for the music (Hillsong United & Jesus Culture)yet gets influenced by the speakers (Bill Johnson of Bethel Church, Reinhard Bonnke, Cindy Jacobs, Banning Liebscher of Bethel Church, Lou Engle, Sean Smith). I've told my family & friends to practice Biblical discernment. I know there is no perfect ministry,church, or good person yet I don't think we ought to ignore the leaven that will eventually leaven the rest. I don't believe in church bashing but the darkness needs to be exposed of its false teachings. Google 'Jesus Culture Awakening' and look into it yourself but practice biblical discernment. I just watched it and heard only a push for a generation of leaders to heal (signs and wonders). I didn't hear a coming to repentance & forgiveness and the grace we receive from the LORD and growing in the LORD. Maybe I'm missing something. What are your thoughts? Here is an example of the nonsense they will here. and

 2011/8/3 22:44Profile

Joined: 2011/6/10
Posts: 12

 Re: Jesus Culture Awakening 2011 *Concerned

You have reason to be concerned in my opinion. There is much false teaching with those people you list. Not just a couple of facts or bits and pieces being in error but dangerous and deadly roots which corrupt their message. For example, Bill Johnson in His book, "When Heaven Invades the Earth", says on page 93: "But in reality, the Bible is a closed book. Anything I get from the Word without God will not change my life. It is closed to insure that I remain dependent on the Holy Spirit."

This seems to indicate that he is using the excuse of the Holy Spirit to avoid stuying the Word systematically and properly but rather to affirm his desperate desire to seek subjective experiences (even if they fit with scriptural guidelines!)

Praise God for your discernment for many do lack it unfortunately.


 2011/8/7 21:51Profile

Joined: 2011/3/25
Posts: 7

 Re: Jesus Culture Awakening 2011 *Concerned

Ever since I learned about Jesus Culture/Bethel coming to my home town of Chicago, the Lord has been clearly using me to be a watchman and to warn the brethren. The characterization of the deception practiced through Bill Johnson, Banning Liebscher, Kris Valloton, and others is accurately described as subtle, but is a variant of discredited "Latter Rain" or "Dominionist" theology; added to that is Johnson's own "word-faith" background and their incorporation of occultic practices (seeking "impartations" from the dead, and physical objects; bizarre and disorderly manifestations of the Spirit). Most concerning is that "another Christ" and "another gospel" is preached. However, because Bethel produces so much media and exports its teaching internationally, it is not hard to find primary source material and thoughtful Biblical analyses of the errors and, in some cases, heresies, promulgated by Johnson. There are also moving, and well-documented testimonies of those who have been through, then delivered from the Bethel deception.

Some of these are collected on our blog:

May it profit you and your family members.

Peace and Grace to you.

 2011/8/7 22:54Profile

Joined: 2011/6/10
Posts: 12


You website is very helpful. I often pop onto it. Some really good items on there.

God bless!


 2011/8/8 18:04Profile

Joined: 2008/4/1
Posts: 536
America's Flyover Country


Just A Thought!

This is the 4TH THREAD started with the EXACT SAME cut/past beginning post.

EVERY time it is the cut/paste of the same "only concerned" type criticism.

Interestingly the originator of ALL 4 threads..poster "face_down" only has 4 total posts on SI... that's right..all 4 identical cut/paste posts to open up criticism.. all started within the last few days.

Perhaps someone of a slightly suspicious nature might suspect a troll at this point. A troll that is looking to engender strife and criticism of ministries that other posters, who were actually there, said bore wonderful fruit in their lives and the lives of their children.

 2011/8/8 18:12Profile

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