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Joined: 2011/8/3
Posts: 2



I acknowledge your post, though I disagree. I am not a troll, but have been around the forums for a number of years. I know that for me to respond and for us to continue this discussion will be fruitless. You can keep your woe, as I am not in need of it.


 2011/8/5 1:58Profile

 Re: President Obama marks Ramadan

QUOTE: "In a statement issued by the White House, the president said, "Times like this remind us of the lesson of all great faiths, including Islam – that we do unto others as we would have them do unto us.

What a hypocrite.

 2011/8/5 3:58


"In a statement issued by the White House, the president said, "Times like this remind us of the lesson of all great faiths, including Islam – that we do unto others as we would have them do unto us.

I finally understand suicide bombings... I get it now!


 2011/8/5 8:12


Was this comment really necessary? On what evidence do you base such a claim? Are you really connecting Mr Obama to the killing of martyrs, whose title you use as your screen name? What makes you think that he's a muslim? His name? His skin color? This is so typical.

Really is this necessary? You're trying to play the race card?

This is not what this forum is about. I'm not a moderator, but if you're going to converse on here in such a manner you are welcome to leave.


 2011/8/5 8:16

Joined: 2008/10/25
Posts: 3699
East TN for now!

 Re: President Obama marks Ramadan

It doesn’t matter WHAT Obama says or WHAT Obama marks on the calendar, <b>God put him in office</b>. Period. And it’s a that-settles-it kind of period from God.

So why, oh why are Christians not taking it up with God with what Obama marks or the things he says?? Because God is ONLY ONE who will remove him from office. We can proclaim a day of repentance for our wicked ways and proclaim a day of fasting and pray for mercy in 2012 or we can continue to gripe and complain and moan and groan and watch God let the man get re-elected to a second term. (edit: no one thought Bill Clinton would get re-elected and God allowed it)

All you great Christians... which is it that you want to do? Hang on to your right to complain or humble yourselves?


 2011/8/5 8:58Profile

Joined: 2007/2/16
Posts: 231
Longview WA


Lysa, its true that no matter what obama marks on a calendar.
Unless the heart of the people are truly humble towards the lord things will not turn around.

True we do tend to complain alot. I want the old days back when it seemed everybody was going to church. especially in the bible belt.
But again I suppose many churches were filled with unconverted believers.
I was one of those, and have had a good time of fellowship with the Lord, and now again im struggling.
I look all around myself and get depressed with what I see. The obvious hyprosacy, It used to be behind closed doors but now the door is off the hindges and walking right into church.
I guess I can pray, but I don't feel like it, I don't feel like God is listening, I know he is theologically. yet my feelings are real.
I'll complain to God and while I complain to Him I will remember im nowhere close to being a great christian, probably never will unless God helps me...
I like many christians out there feel helpless, powerless, and like God has left us.
I probably have offended someone, but thats how I feel, im wounded, hurting, and when I pray at night and say I love you Lord, I feel like a hyprocrite, and I don't hear an I love you too back either...sigh. not that I'd ever diserve one anyway./


 2011/8/5 10:06Profile


I have made no secret in this forum that my heart lies with the persecuted church. My post have reflected that as my desire has been to call attention to the fact a suffering church exist. Three times s week I meet with other intercessors on a con call where we lift up the persecuted in other lands. As part of that ministry I read profiles to keep abreast what is happening to the persecuted. This includes, but not limited to, Voice of the Martyrs, Open Doors, Comopass Directt, etc. I try to avail myself to documentaries of those countries that give background to the suffering. I do this to be more effective in my prayers for those who suffer for Jesus.

I share this to let the record stand that I am not anti Obama or anti Islamic. Thus when I speak this it is from the stand point of testimony of the persecuted church. Case: harsh Islamic laws have Imprisoned Asia Bibi in Pakistan. Extreme Islamic elements want this Christian mother dead. A bounty has been put on her head by an Islamic cleric. Case: extreme Islamic elements gunned down Shsbbaz Bhatti. He was the Christian minister of minority affairs in Pakistan. He championed the minority rights of Christians and others. His stand earned him death threats from Islamic extremist and were carried out. Case:: islamic extremist have run most of the Christian poulation out of Iraq. This has been done under threat to convert to Islam or die. Shall I speak of Samalia, Afghanistan, Nigeria, etc. These facts can be verified by googled. Better yet speak to a converted Moslem. If they are honest they will tell you the Koran teaches to kill the infidel. This is the Christian. And this saints is the great faith the President honors.

Posted by Blaine Scogin

 2011/8/5 10:54

Joined: 2011/5/5
Posts: 112


The Constitution gives us the right to complain, God does not. Sadly, many hold the constitution as equal to the Bible.

We are to pray for our leaders and send Words of redemption to them.

Now, here is the rub. What are Words of Redemption? Well, they are words of truth. Not just lovey-dovey type stuff.

Are any Christians close to the President giving him true Godly counsel? We don't know. Could be. He could be rejecting it, too. On the other hand, if God has sent a man of God to speak truth to him, it may be having an effect within him. We don't know what is going on in his life, but one thing is for sure, that if Christians attack and complain they could ruin what the Holy Spirit might be doing in his life.

We know that most churches are an extension of the State since they have agreed to be non-taxable and have entered into contract with the Government to become non-taxable. So, they will not preach the whole counsel of God from the Pulpit regarding the Government. They simply can't, otherwise their tax deduction could very well be removed.

So, we have to pray that God will raise up individual, godly men, who fear no man and no devil and will speak truth to the President and all leaders in this nation regardless of their personal loss.

Speaking truth is different than complaining, much different.

Do men like this exist? God knows.


P.S. Everytime I hear a Christian complain, I know it is not the Spirit of Christ.

 2011/8/5 11:07Profile

Joined: 2011/8/5
Posts: 3

 Re: Redflag

Should a Christian cellibrate Ramadan?

The real tragedy is that so many people put their political party affiliation ahead of their relationship with Jesus Christ.

 2011/8/5 11:28Profile

Joined: 2011/5/5
Posts: 112


A Christian should not celebrate false gods and idols.

Ramadan is about false gods.

Did Elijah celebrate with the prophets of Baal?

Is there a man of God today, that knows how to speak truth to Obama without complaining about earthly things?

Seems like earthly things are more important than Obama's salvation. I don't have access to him, but if I did I know what I would say to him, face to face. Let's pray, God gives someone that kind of access.


 2011/8/5 12:12Profile

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