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Joined: 2010/10/6
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  The purpose of Weakness

The purpose of Weakness

“And he said unto me , My grace is sufficient for thee : for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I glory in my infirmity that the power of Christ may rest upon me” (2corinthians 12v 9)
Weakness is the nature of man, it is not a sin but a nature that that reveal man the need of a savior. It call man to intimacy and union with His creator yet its purpose is easily misunderstood, perverted and at the end instead of bringing many to God it drive them away because of their lack of His knowledge or willful rebellion.
When Adam was created even before the fall, weakness was planted in Him that He might keep seeking God strength, as God abide and walk in Him. Christ himself took this very nature of weakness in His humanity and lives above weakness because His father lives in him.
When Christ cried “not my will but your will “ it reveal His weakness as a man but not only that but as a victorious man because He lives not under the nature of His weakness but in the power of His father strength .

If we did not see our weakness, we cannot see the strength of Christ, which comes as He lives in us. God will have us know our attitude in the days of weakness should not be of fear of falling but faith in His strength. When God allows us to be tempted in trials and adversity, He is always seeking to have His end in it .He is not just watching as a spectator of what the enemy is doing in us, but He has an aim and purpose in that. The purpose is, He wants us to know Him more not to know him less, as we seem to feel in such period of perplexity. We do not know God by just seeing Him in a physical bodily form, but as He manifest His strength and power in us. Yet how can he manifest His strength where it is not needed. It is the weak that need the strong .If we feel strong outside His strength there will be no need to seek His strength or presence.

If we stop seeing our weakness we will stop seeing Gods strength, and therefore cease to grow in Christ as we will see no need to seek His strength. If we did not want to see our weakness, it means we did not want to see Christ strength or power manifested in us. God does not work or save us outside His saving knowledge or faith.
When we are tried and tempted in weakness, such period is not the time to be discourage and succumb to the voice of the enemy but it should be a time we should cry “ Lord I know it is for my own good that you allow me to be so tempted , afflicted and tried and not for my evil or ruin. It is time to rejoice, and not to fret, a time to wait on your power and not to yield to the power of darkness. A time to seek you more in prayers and not a time to forfeit prayers. “
The days of weakness are the days of new things in Christ, but before we see the new we must first see the old. May we daily remember the fact that for Christ to perfect His work in us, He must need allows us to be tempted and tried in diverse means before He manifests His power in us.
There is no longer any need to murmur, complain, discourage, disappointed by anything but to turn unto the Lord who reveal His power in our weakness. Where everyman will fall we have a Christ that will manifest His power in us, whose power is above all contrary powers, keeping us ever standing in Him. Amen


 2011/7/30 11:46Profile

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