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Joined: 2010/10/6
Posts: 169

 A Short Warning for those who seek the Gifts above Christ Life

Saints, may the Lord keep us together in the most imporatnt thing not revelation, gifts , but His life for all other are a mean to the Life ,
He died to give us Life nothing else other things are a means , but this, His life is the essence . Gifts, knowledge , revealtions etc may come and go but the Life is our daily bread which will take us out from the fire and battle of life victoriously, this is the war ,the good fight of faith , and what He fight in us .
Solomon got the knowledge , gifts and revelation yet that which should kept him to abide He lost and see how he end. We are all drinking from the same source , let us be careful of offending the least in the kingdom ,who are the weak, the frail for we are commanded to strengten them . Those that see the face of God and not just His back will care the weak. These are the angels which see the face of the father and may the Lord keep us walking in PURENESS through His present in us , for the heart must be pure to see God .


 2011/7/28 8:19Profile

Joined: 2009/2/20
Posts: 494
Celina, Texas

 Re: A Short Warning for those who seek the Gifts above Christ Life

O my brother what a face His is. We seek it again and again knowing the angels in His Holy presence do cover their eyes. What a great awe will overcome us throughout eternity. For now it is as you say. Let us walk content in Christ and He will be our power. What can compare to Him for our greatest blessing He is.

Thank you for your encouragement to the saints and may your testimony of Christ be like sweet water to those around you dying of thirst.

 2011/7/28 10:02Profile

Joined: 2010/10/6
Posts: 169


So brother you are very right Christ in us is thepower of God , and sure as HE is infine so is His power, grace, Love, Joy , Holiness what a blessedness to possess this etenal qualities in us as He Live in us. Praise be to His name and bless by your words.


 2011/7/28 10:19Profile

 Re: A Short Warning for those who seek the Gifts above Christ Life

Even though I see very little of the gifts being coveted today, they should be coveted today.

All that you said are wonderful words of life and encouraging. Thanks for sharing that.

It still the Spirit that administers the gifts, and I haven't heard of anyone besides Solomon who has asked for the gifts and got them. There is not a New Testament example of anyone praying and seeking God for any particular gift, so I truly don't know what Paul was talking about covet earnestly the best gifts.

Perhaps what he was saying was while the Corinthian church was seeking power, Paul reminded them that there are better gifts to desire and that love or charity is by which a man should receive them.

I know that the Spirit has given gifts to men when they haven't sought Him for it. They can tell you that they personally did not want the gift, but they have it and use it reluctantly because they don't want to be seen as someone who has any power. In other words, they don't want to take the glory for what God is doing.

Then there are those that seek God earnestly for the gifts and I rarely see them get what they have requested.

So it basically goes back to what you were saying, "Saints, may the Lord keep us together in the most important thing not revelation, gifts , but His life for all other are a mean to the Life".

We live out our lives the best that we can serving our brothers needs and loving our neighbour and hope to God that we make it in.

 2011/7/28 11:52

Joined: 2010/10/6
Posts: 169


Good points approved , agree with you.


 2011/7/28 12:02Profile

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