Slavery of the mind is controlled by; Means of ideas supplied to the mind; And obedience is rendered.. Willingly! And the victims are unaware, that they are rendering obedience And are quite satisfied! and have no desire to be freed from it.THE GREATEST WAR OF TODAY, IS THE WAR TO WIN CONTROL OF THE MINDS! (from A.W. Tozer, Resisting the Worlds Propaganda, Eph. 5:15,16).RESISTING THE WORLDS PROPAGANDA by A. W. Tozer, is a great sermon on why a large percentage of Christians are dead asleep, and they don't know it.We are born in an age, where mainstream Christian doctrine (in America) is preached by a conglomerate of false (antichrist) preachers.The media and advertisers have brainwashed us from birth, to the point, that our conscience is seared with a hot iron from television, the world wide spider web, etc. We are as a frog sitting in warm water, in a hot tub religious comfort zone,...that is really boiling now, and dont know it. Below is URL to the Sermon: