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Joined: 2007/3/13
Posts: 23



A shepherd and a warrior
A poet and a king
A man who loved his God
More than any other thing

He once had killed Goliath,
A lion, and a bear
He danced before the ark of God
Undignified; he did not care

He meditated on the Word
Of God both day and night
He praised God for His beauty,
For His mercy and His might.

But there came a day that David
Stole a glance and then a wife
Her husband wouldn't play along
So Uriah lost his life.

Does it not seem sudden
This terrible great fall?
But read a little closer,
Not so sudden after all.

For it happened in the spring
When kings go out to war
King David did just one thing
That he'd never done before

"I've fought so many battles
That I have earned some rest
Please bring me just a bit more wine
A king deserves the best."

He got up from his bed
When it was almost night
A woman bathing on a house
Oh, it was such a sight!

And then the man named David
Who had killed both lion and bear
Pushed all thoughts of God aside
And he began to stare

While fighting the Lord's battles
His eyes fixed on the Lord
David never had this problem
But now he had grown bored.

And so he sent and took her,
The wife of his close friend
As Uriah fought for David,
He took her and he sinned.

Now David had to hide his sin
He sent Uriah to his wife
Uriah would do no such thing
As his soldiers risked their life.

More desperate as the days went by
The king wrote this command,
"Please make it so the man will die
Who brings this letter in his hand."

Bathsheba heard the news
And mourned a little while
David said, "Come be my wife"
The king, the sinner, full of guile.

But nothing can be hidden
From the One True Sovereign King
God called a man named Nathan
And God's message did he bring:

A rich man had so many sheep;
The poor man one little ewe;
Rich man killed the poor man's lamb
For a stranger passing through.

"Kill the man who did this thing!
He has sinned and he must die!"
The king in righteous anger
Forgot his own great lie.

Nathan heard the voice of God
And did what he must do
He looked straight at King David
And said, "That man is you!"

His own mouth had stated
That he deserved to die
But David cried for mercy
On God He did rely

He had no more excuses
He didn't run and hide
David found God's mercy
In Christ the Crucified.

God forgave King David
But it cost God no small price
This sin and all of my sin, too
Fell on Christ, our sacrifice.

Oh, let us not be lazy
Let us work and let us pray
Let us worship our Lord Jesus
While it is called today.

 2011/7/11 13:08Profile

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