Hi there. We would really appreciate prayers for 2 rejected baby goats we have had to look after. It is a really difficult task looking after these 3 day old babies and puts alot of pressure on the family with the feeding and caring of them in our house. One of them is very sick and the other is doing ok. I know this isn't a "normal" prayer but we would appreciate any fellow believers going to the Lord to ask that the sick goat and her sister pull through.We do not own the goats but a man we know down the road, a local man who is old and sick. This man has been on my heart and it would be great if you can also pray for his salavation with our contact through these goats. Thank you so much In Him
_________________Mrs Carter
Father, save the man who owns the goats, and heal the baby goats.Give strength to the caretakers. In Jesus Name
Amen LORD.
Update:Thank you for your prayers. The past couple of days have been very difficult. The weaker goat did not survive and had to be put to sleep on Sunday, her sister Lucy, is doing well...but has developed alot of bumps on her skin, face and body. Otherwise heathly. Please continue to keep us and her in your prayers. We really appreciate this.In Him and through Him onlySherid