Hi brethren,This is a blessed teaching on what it means to walk in the Spirit. Brother Zac examines different areas where we can be imprisoned by the spirit of the world and the traditions of men. This is a tool the Lord can use to free you from bondage that keeps you from progressing in your walk with Christ. Brother Zac uses Scripture to explain all he shares rather than speaking about different things and then trying to take an obscure text to back it up. I pray that the Lord bless you and build you up through listening to this. It will be glorious to the work the Lord has done in our lives through His servants that have directed us to Him. ~Jeremy221 Freedom From Denominationalism by Zac PoonenTopic: Denominationalism Description: Denominationalism is a prison for many and the spirit of this many need to be freed from. This sermon points out how the denominational spirit is the same that impelled the Pharisee's to emphasize their spiritual purity due to their Abrahamic pedigree. Brother Zac makes a strong case for the building of local bodies that are not connected through denominational structures that have leadership that use and abuse the sheep, but are overseen by truly spiritual brothers.