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Is not the context of what we call church the life if Christ? If I understand the background of Mat.18:20 Christ is present in 2 or 3 people who gather in his name. Is this life not worked out in an atmosphere of love and encouragement as found in Heb.3:13 and 10:24-25? It seems this would preclude the traditional clergy laity and give rise to more of a Spirit led group dynamic. It seems this is what is working in the house churches in Iran and China. Now a question. For those who insist that males only are to lead in house churches what do you do with those women who are shepherding house churches in Vietnam and China? I might add these women have husbands who are in prison and many of them have suffered for Christ. Think carefully before you answer. Ones theology may not be so cut and dried in a persecuted country.

 2011/6/20 13:37

 Pure and Spotless Bride coming....but how?

"Sometimes I get the feeling that this is all you know how to post anytime a church in a building is even slightly mention. It is almost like this is your vendetta against all visible churches in existence today. Brother I don’t know who hurt you but I know Jesus can heal any hurt that has been caused by man or Satan.

I know there has been a lot of hurt because of how that many have operated in the Clergy/Laity System but there have also been many anointed Pastors who have brought healing to the lives of many people."....Rbanks to Brothertom..

First you..[ RBANKS] suppose that the reason I bring this up, is that I have been hurt, and seem to have a "vendetta" against "all visible churches." [ that must be a lot!]

I am not walking in any hurt that I know of...or bitterness toward the organized, singular building oriented, tithe driven system...but I do see it as inherently destructive. There are always God's people along with Godly examples in every church.

People, as I see it , often have their faith stolen away from them in this system, and not ever learning to walk with the Holy Spirit, bear lasting fruit, or minister God to the hurting or needy. They remain babies, if they survive at all...and many do not. Religion kills, and religion is often just playing holy...not being.

Isn't the issue about life being imparted....and isn't THIS issue , on this particular thread..[or the report we all are discussing..] EXACTLY addressing the issue of the Nicolaitan... Men involved in a house church that espouses body ministry, but PRACTICES the opposite, in a clergy/laity oxymoron? This is why I addressed this issue, and chose to define it as I see the practice of it; NOT because I rebel, or am hurt.

I believe, as I have said...that THIS model...the early church model also...where EACH JOINT SUPPLIES...and where if ONE suffers....ALL the model God established to bring One Faith, by One each and every member manifest God's love.

It is unfair of you to generalize about 1100+ posts as being of one ilk. I happen to hold an unpopular position that does not receive this clergy/laity system as beneficial to the body of Christ.....IN GENERAL!! This does not mean that I too generalize about everyone in it being in error. I do not. I have in Heaven...who lived there...and highly respect them...many.

I see it as being currently passed over by the Lord...and as New Wine MUST be put into New Wineskins...the wine is being placed into it's final skin....and I see it unto all....the least of the brethren as honored and received as our current day Pastor/one man show.

"Are you going anywhere else to gather with other saints? Are you still ministering to others and helping to win the lost to Christ? I was just wondering, what is your system and what are you doing in going about the great commission?"Rbanks

I have travelled to India preaching the gospel to the poor several times, and have seen those who had never once heard the good news repent, and be baptized with the holy Spirit. I have been in China ministering to the real underground church fairly recently, and washed their feet. Israel, Great Britian...and America...and I have cast out demons, and have seen the sick healed of deadly diseases..some marked for death.

I have been an elder in the church, and have ALWAYS sought out the body...and have grown, more and more into my convictions today. They are not hateful...though some consumed in the system we are confronting surely do hate me.

Thank you for your gracious inquiry...BT

 2011/6/20 23:00

Joined: 2005/6/18
Posts: 1481

 Re: Pure and Spotless Bride coming....but how?

hi, i like the attitude even in disagreement here. we all come from different experiences in life and are following the same Lord in various ways of worship.nothing stinks worse then the i am right attitude which is based mostly on pride.we need to be all things to all people so that we can win some...the love of Christ is shed abroad in our lives by the Holy Ghost id what Jesus said was the evidence of our relationship with Him.jimp

 2011/6/20 23:48Profile

Joined: 2008/6/19
Posts: 1330


Thank you BrotherTom for your gracious reply also.

People, as I see it , often have their faith stolen away from them in this system, and not ever learning to walk with the Holy Spirit, bear lasting fruit, or minister God to the hurting or needy. They remain babies, if they survive at all...and many do not. Religion kills, and religion is often just playing holy...not being. Isn't the issue about life being imparted....and isn't THIS issue , on this particular thread..[or the report we all are discussing..] EXACTLY addressing the issue of the Nicolaitan... Men involved in a house church that espouses body ministry, but PRACTICES the opposite, in a clergy/laity oxymoron? This is why I addressed this issue, and chose to define it as I see the practice of it; NOT because I rebel, or am hurt. I believe, as I have said...that THIS model...the early church model also...where EACH JOINT SUPPLIES...and where if ONE suffers....ALL the model God established to bring One Faith, by One each and every member manifest God's love. It is unfair of you to generalize about 1100+ posts as being of one ilk. I happen to hold an unpopular position that does not receive this clergy/laity system as beneficial to the body of Christ.....IN GENERAL!! This does not mean that I too generalize about everyone in it being in error. I do not. I have in Heaven...who lived there...and highly respect them...many.

People as you see it and that is good that you pointed this out. I am glad that there are Pastors and Evangelists I assume that you highly respected. The reason many are not learning to walk in the Holy Spirit and bearing lasting fruit and also ministering to the needy is because so many are not following Eph 4, Luke 24, and Acts 1&2 etc…

Many are not denying themselves and taking up their cross and following Jesus Christ. Many are not saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Spirit. Many have been led by the unanointed and the disappointed. Many have been led by false teachers and a form of religion without the power of regeneration.

I believe we need to be about restoring the message of Pentecost. I don’t see how a minister filled with the Holy Spirit and preaching to a congregation and seeing people get saved, healed, and filled with the Holy Spirit is stealing peoples faith away from them. I preach under the anointing of the Holy Spirit and I have seen God do miracles. I was preaching one time and a man came in the service who had never been to church to hear a message in his life. The Holy Spirit fell on him and he got saved and later filled with the Spirit. He became a missionary went to India, Bagdad, and in Pakistan he baptized 700 people. He was hid one time from the soldiers and he had drug Lords in another country to lay down their machine guns to hear the gospel and many were saved..

I have seen God save and transform many lives. A lady came in our service one time to bring her children and was going to leave but the Holy Spirit wouldn’t let her and she came in to hear me preach and after a few times she wept her way to salvation. She had committed a crime in her past and I watched her go to prison. I visited her at three different prisons and ministered the word of God to her. She got out this past November and is in church about every service and ministers to people on a daily basic. She has a bible study with others weekly and she has helped others grow in the Lord. One of the ladies she helped so much also got a lady to come with her to church a few weeks ago. This past Sunday a week ago the lady came to the altar and wept her way to salvation. I had a man to call me a while back and I met him in the church fellowship hall and ministered to him. The Holy Spirit fell on him and he repent and believed on the Lord Jesus and God saved him right then. He has been coming to church regularly for over two years now and has a strong faith in God. I could go on and on but it is only by the grace of God.

Brother if God shows me something to do that would glorify Him and reach more people for Him I want to do it. I want to help more people be all they can be for God. I believe in his name we can cast out devils, speak with new tongues, take up serpents, and if we drink any deadly thing it will not hurt us, and we can lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. I don’t believe God is weak brother but that he has all power in heaven and in earth. I believe that all power lives in me. I believe that I can tread over all the power of the enemy. I’d rather die believing in God and that he can do all things than to live in unbelief.

BrotheTom if you truly have a word from God for me and that there is something that I can do better for the Lord then please tell me and I will take it to prayer and if God says I can do it then praise God I will do it. Because I feel like I fall so short of doing all I believe God wants me to do.

Blessings to you!

 2011/6/21 0:46Profile

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