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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : prayer for blasphemous thoughts

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Joined: 2009/12/4
Posts: 1862


Brother I remember a long while back when I added you to my prayer list of people to keep in prayers constantly. Be encouraged by this, your still there and I pray for you as the Lord leads. Its because I added you to my list I stopped responding to your prayer threads saying I would pray and I Know there are COUNTLESS others who do the very same. Put your hope and trust in the fact that Christ and His body won't stop praying and EVEN if all the Saints and Sinners of Heaven and Earth stopped praying for you that Christ Jesus is interceding for you personally on your behalf.

God Bless,

Matthew Guldner

 2011/6/27 1:33Profile


Thanks brother, good point. Christ is interceding for me.

 2011/6/30 1:16


Brothers I am seeking the Lord again for my salvation if not my assurance, these blasphemous and evil thoughts could be coming because of the lack of the holy spirit in my life, maybe the Lord is showing me my wickedness in my flesh too, i don't know. But while i seek again may you pray for me.

 2011/7/2 23:01


From Leonard Ravenhill ~

My goal is God Himself.
Not joy.
Not peace.
Not even blessing, but Himself, my God.
It is His to lead me there not mine but His.
At any cost, dear Lord, by any road.
So faith bounds forward to its goal in God and love can trust our Lord to lead her there.
I pray by Him my soul will follow hard ’til God has at last fulfill my deepest prayer.
No matter if the way become sometimes dark.
No matter if the cost be often great.
He knoweth how I best should reach the mark.
The way that leads to Him must need be straight.
One thing I know, I cannot say Him nay.
One thing I do, I press toward my God.
The secret of the life of the Apostle was this - you want to know – it’s this one thing I do - he never got into sidetracks.
He never got into business like so many preachers do.
This one thing I do, it will be hell to get there.
I forget – one of the old puritan preachers said in the 1600s - you have to go through hell to get to heaven.
You have to lose everything in order to become the part of the Bride of Jesus Christ.
One thing I know, I can not say Him nay.
One thing I do, I press toward my Lord.
My God, my glory here from day to day.
And in the glory then, my great reward - {HIM}

1Ch 16:11 Seek the LORD and His strength, seek His Face continually.

Psa 105:4 Seek the LORD, and His strength: seek His Face evermore.

Quote from J.C. Ryle ~

"Because of what Jesus said, many of His
disciples turned their backs on Him and
stopped following Him." John 6:66

Millions in every age have turned their back on Christ.
The defection is continually going on.
It is an old disease, and must not surprise us.

The heart is always deceitful and desperately wicked;
the devil is always busy, and seeking whom he may devour;
the world is always ensnaring;
the way of life is narrow,
the enemies many,
the friends few,
the difficulties great,
the cross heavy,
the doctrine of the gospel offensive to the natural man.

What thoughtful person need wonder that multitudes
in every age turn back from Christ, throw off all religion,
and perish miserably!

It is only the 'sifting process' which God permits, in
order to separate the wheat from the chaff,
through which we must all pass.
The world after all, with . . .
its pitfalls and snares for the soul,
its competitions and struggles,
its failures and successes,
its disappointments,
its perplexities,
its perpetual crop of crude theories and extreme views,
its mental conflicts and anxieties,
its extravagant 'free thought',
its equally extravagant superstition,
--the world is a fiery furnace and ordeal, through
which all believers must make up their minds to pass.

"Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words
of eternal life!" John 6:68

Where, indeed, could we turn . . .
for peace of heart,
for satisfaction of conscience,
for hope in the world to come,
--if we turn away from Jesus?

To whom, indeed, shall we go for help, strength,
and comfort--if we turn our backs on Christ?

We live in a world of troubles, whether we like it or
not. Our bodies are liable to a thousand ailments,
and our hearts to a thousand sorrows. No creature
on earth is so vulnerable, and so capable of intense
physical as well as mental suffering, as man.

and death,
and funerals,
and partings,
and separations,
and losses,
and failures,
and disappointments,
and private family trials,
which no mortal eye sees, will break in upon us
from time to time; and we desperately need help
to meet them! Alas, where will our thirsty, wailing
hearts find such help--if we leave Christ?

The plain truth is, that nothing but an Almighty
personal Friend will ever meet the legitimate
needs of man's soul--with His daily help,
sympathy, and watchful care.

and -

Amen - Praying, bible4life.

 2011/7/2 23:32

Joined: 2008/9/26
Posts: 73
South Yorkshire, UK


bible4life, be assured that God is sufficient for you at this moment and every moment, and that he will demonstrate that sufficiency to you.

Rom 8:1 - There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus
Rom 8:35-37 - Nothing can seperate us from God's love.

Trust in Him, and in Him alone, and you will find Him.

Jamie Adam

 2011/7/2 23:49Profile

Joined: 2010/11/20
Posts: 1482


Its because I added you to my list I stopped responding to your prayer threads saying I would pray and I Know there are COUNTLESS others who do the very same.

I have been praying for you for a long time as well - will continue....

 2011/7/2 23:54Profile


you know i went to church today and i mean all i had in my mind was judgment towards people in my church and hate and those evil thoughts towards everyone kept coming, i genuinely feel as if I do not have any love. I have told the Lord if my heart does not change today and be cleansed of my wicked heart that I am going to stop going to my church and stop doing the Bible studies their and at my work, i bring more hurt to thi church by my anger, pride, bitterness and evil judgment than anything. I can't stand this, people might say this is satan, but my heart is not right i can't profess his name and have a wicked heart, i don't like who i am.

 2011/7/3 14:15


John, that 'would' be the next move of our enemy, is to isolate you and very possibly the endgame in his mind for helping to plant these thoughts in you in the first place.
Isolation is the perfect position for him to finish us off.
Spiritual things can be pretty complicated and one would have to know how and where it all began to see where you bought a lie, either in teachings or some other issue, but no need to go through all of that again - the thing is, you do have folks praying for you and you're defintiely not alone and don't allow the enemy to get you that alone.

I posted our need to keep our eyes on Jesus in that post above because He's our only means of being healed.

I told here how it got to the point where I was being so severely tried that I finally told the LORD that even if I was sent to Hell in the end - I would Not go back into the world and would die, side by side with the Saints.
That ended that particular trial because the LORD wanted me for no other reason but for Himself and not because of my wanting anything else from Him - not even a way to avoid Hell itself.

Love you Brother. Please hang in there and remember, "thoughts" can be injected into our minds and "feelings" are never to be followed - Only His Word, our Sword of the Spirit for warfare.

Praying with you, with the others.

 2011/7/3 16:07

Joined: 2006/2/22
Posts: 413

 Re: cancel post

sorry i put a post on but decided not post my reply

karl rashleigh

 2011/7/5 6:22Profile


brothers and sisters i don't mean to bother you, but i have been severely under attack again, this time satan trying to block my mind from thinking straight, i having so many attacks on my body and mind it is taking a toll on me, please pray for my faith, my unbelief is why i think i am continuuing in a worse state. These set of attacks are some i had a few years back that are very hard ones. I really need your prayers right now.

 2011/7/10 12:07

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