All Friends,
Mind that which is pure in you to guide you to God, out of Babylon, out of confusion; there all the world is. There is the seat of the beast; there are the false prophets and deceivers, within as well as without. One voice of deceit does not know another, nor any of them the voice of the living God.
But, dear friends, mind the light of God in your consciences, which will show you all deceit; dwelling in it, guides out of the many things into one spirit, which cannot lie, nor deceive. Those who are guided by it, are one, who have been made to drink into one spirit; and the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace. All quarrels, all schisms, all rents are out of the spirit, for God has tempered the body together, that there should be no schism in the body, but all worship him with one consent. And as the power and life of truth are made manifest, watch over one another in the discerning.
And beware of discouraging any in the work of God; the laborers are few, who are faithful for God. Take heed of hurting the gift, with which God has given to profit, by which you have received life through death, and a measure of peace by the destruction of evil. Pray, that peace may be multiplied, and the ministration of life, to the raising of the dead, that 'the seed of the woman may bruise the serpent's head,' discover all deceit, and rend all veils and coverings, that the pure may come to life, which deceit has trampled upon.
From.. _________________ Michelle