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 The Prodigal Lamb by Robert Wurtz II

How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray? And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that [sheep], than of the ninety and nine which went not astray. Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish. (Matthew 18:12-14)

I recently read of the passing of a famous sheep in New Zealand. In a country where sheep out-number people seven to one it is hard to imagine one sheep being so famous. But at the age of about four years he wondered away from the rest of the group at the Bendigo Station (ranch) and was not seen again for some six years. The owners thought he was dead, but found no evidence. Then one day he was discovered much to the shock of the ranchers. His coat had grown so obnoxiously large that they named him Shrek after the fictional green children's character. Apparently he had been hiding out in a cave to avoid being seen and would feed inconspicuously.

Gone Astray

When Shrek was found multitudes that had never heard of him rejoiced. He was a mess, but even his owners were able to salvage something of his wayward life. Actually the phrase our Lord uses is, 'gone astray.' It comes from the Greek word that is the root of our English word planet. It simply means historically to wander around. A person that wanders usually has no set destination, it is aimless motion. Perhaps this is what happened to Shrek. He started wandering around and finally ended up in a cave. The farther he got from the home base the less likely it was he would ever find his way back. This is the tragedy of backsliding, one can lose all sense of spiritual direction. They end up isolated and vulnerable. Fortunately for Shrek New Zealand is a land with few predators and is conducive to a large sheep population. Any other place and he may not have lasted the night.

Seeketh that which is gone astray

I believe when God created sheep He did so with man in mind. It seems He created an animal perfectly suited to represent God's estimate of man's condition and constitution. One of the reason why sheep go astray is because the 'wolf' or 'enemy' scatters them. Sheep have very little defense; they can run, but not for long. What causes a sheep to run? What is the strategy of the enemy. Obviously fear and panic. Likewise a Christian does not possess the disposition to brawl and argue; they may quarrel and even fight, but it is against their nature. Many will just flee. When a fight erupts among God's people, some just run. They leave the church God has called them to for more tranquil pastures. Not everyone will, but many do. I have to wonder, what was Shrek driven away by or led away by? He didn't get in the cave for six years by following with the flock. When the sheep quit seeking the shepherd, the shepherd still seeks the sheep.

The Value of One

It is challenging to remove ourselves from the modern emphasis on statistics, and give attention to the need of just one sheep. Yet, this is the reflection of the heart of God from Abel to Moses and from David to Paul the Apostle. They all were men after God's own heart. What does that mean? It is simply an Hebrew idiom meaning to be 'like minded' or 'like hearted'. Abel was the first to learn the feeling of shepherding a flock, so his offering to God from the flock no doubt carried a special significance. He may have nursed that sheep from infancy and held it close to him many times. Likewise Moses, when he saw the flock in danger he smote down the Egyptian as a natural instinctive reaction. He had the grace of a precious give that allowed him to say in effect... 'if you destroy them go ahead and blot me out of your Book.' This is the heart of God. David knew this all too well. When Nathan came to confront him over the matter of Bathsheeba and Uriah he used an illustration that brought before our eyes the power of love for 'just one.' Just one little ewe lamb and David's shepherd heart began a stirring and his blood was boiling. Why? Because he could feel for it. David bore no children, but he carried a many of lamb in his bosom as a mother caring for her child. And though the circumstances were sinful and tragic that bring to our minds the truth of David's heart; God still in His infinite wisdom is able to cause the event to work for good. How? By drawing to the surface that image of God that David reflected at critical times in his life; in that moment with Nathan, if I might dare to say, we saw once again the heart of God. You see how David reacted to the loss of that little lamb? I believe that's how God feels about the loss of each and every person that is finally destroyed by the enemy. He does not take pleasure in it. He loves us as individuals with numbered hairs and personal names. Were not just stats on some computer screen.

Seeking that which is gone astray

I don't know if sheep in real life can be rebellious, but I have a hunch they can. Shrek wondered off to his own peril. His coat grew out like eagles feathers until he looked like a pitiful sight. One New Zealander was so taken by the sight that he told the ranchers they should have just shot him dead on sight and put him out of his misery. But the ranchers, not unlike God Himself, could look beyond the effects of the last 6 years. It took just 30 minutes to shear Shrek and with an added sweater (jersey) he looked much like all the rest of the flock again. I doubt by the next week the untrained eye could have selected him from a lineup. You see, the ranchers had lost hope for Shrek, but God knew where he was all along. In fact, God watched him wonder off in the first place. He saw him nervously grazing all alone day after day and year after year. I don't know, maybe God kept His hand on Shrek to teach us something. The Lord knows those that are His. He is ever watchful as the Good Shepherd to bring the wayward soul back into fellowship with Him and the people. He seeks them, but not because He don't know where they are. He has to go to where they are and draw them back to Himself. He has to engineer circumstances that bring him back to himself. He has to allow a time of self-destruction until a brokenness comes that He can make into another work.

The shepherd of salvation

I want to end this entry by telling of a story I once read of a circumstance the shepherd would find himself in at times in the rocky highlands of country. Once in a great while a sheep will wonder off until they come to a high cliff. The sheep will continue into mortal danger aimlessly until at last they slide onto a dangerous ledge. The shepherd surveys the situation and knows that if he tries to move in the sheep will jump to his death. The sheep is smart enough to stay there as long as he is not bothered. And stay there he will until he wastes away into a frail and pitiful sight, no longer able to rise or to run. It is then that the shepherd carefully reaches down and lifts that precious one to safety. And I think that at times God stands afar off when the one He loves has taken the path of destruction until they come to the end of the line. He watches and He waits as the dear soul, in all their rebellion, wastes away until they are a mere shell of what they once were. He does not suddenly snatch them lest they turn upon themselves and leap into an everlasting abyss. On the precipice of Hell itself the wayward soul see no flames and may know no danger. But God forestalls the their torment with patience. At last when their weakness has stripped them of the strength to run, and the last vestiges of rebellion have dissipated, He moves in. Its at these times that He can really save us.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2011/6/14 11:20Profile

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