Poster | Thread | bakary Member
Joined: 2010/10/6 Posts: 169 GAMBIA, WEST AFRICA
| Some queries about "Western Christianity " | | Some queries about "Western Christianity " There is a religious spirit which is not of God but a mixture of humanistic western culture which is polluting the the nations of the world . It is not just a culture but an evil which becomes a culture in many western citizens , this principles become injected in the "Gospel" and therefore destroys its power. The western Gospel is a gospel under the influence of the fall. It is humanistic , destructive and seductive to the fleshy man. It is a painted and selective version of the real Gospel because it lacks the power to bring the nations of the world unto fruitful repentance. It will cause another reformation , rejection or maybe literal or spiritual martyrdom to stand against it, for it has filled the whole world with its rotten fruits. Thank God , HE has a remnant both in the west and other nations who are not bowing under its power. Queries 1.A. If a very large percentage of western Christians are mainly elderly and old people , what is the cause of it and what will happen to there youthful generation when the generation of the fathers are no more ? B. Are western Christians interceding for there youthful generation or are they blind of the dangers ahead ? C. Is there youths beyond repair or are they not part of the work of Calvary ? D. With the prayers of faith , will there be anything hard for God ? C. Are there western Christians who fear to use the rod of love and correction against there Kids as the the scriptures teaches because the laws of there government forbid it ? E. Will a True Disciple of Christ put the Law of a nations above the law of God ? or is it an escape road to the shame and offense of the Cross ? F. Do a majority of western Christians brings up there Children under the regulations of the moral law of God as a preparation of the coming of the new covenant of freedom from the law of sin and death or not ? H. If one is not yet under the new covenant , is he not to be control by the moral law of God even as the scriptures teaches ? (1Timothy 1v8-10) I. Do not some so called Christians parent give there kids the liberty to involve in that abominable fleshy youthful thing called "dating" even in religious activities ? H. Is this not fleshy youthful emotions which dictate them in choosing there life partner or is it the spirit of God ? 2.A.Why is divorce more rampant in so called Christian nation than the heathen nations ? B. Is it not possible the heathen are closer to the peace of the gospel than so many professing Christians ? C. What is the fruit of the Gospel of peace , is it not endurance, long suffering and forbearance etc and not to be dictated by the outward circumstances and challenges ? D. Now if a married man for example is seduced by a sensual woman , and he divorce his wife purposely to married that woman, is that not plain covering up Adultery ? Is such a one not on his way to hell fire where the worms never die but to torment sinners and backsliders? C. Is seduction the main cause of divorce in so called Christians nations ? and why do we bow more to the power of seduction than the heathen ? D. Is the natural strength and endurance of the heathen stronger than the power of Christ in so called Christian nations? E. Which religion on earth was the first to endorse sodomy or homosexuality and from where ? D. Why do the devil find it more easier to penetrate so called Christian nations through perversion than the heathen ? E. Should we not ask our merciful God the cause of all this or should we remain indifference as if nothing is happening while millions of professing Christians are on there way to hell ? F. Why do some professing Christians , especially some of those in the west think that fornicators, adulterers, drunkard, liars etc will at least make heaven because they had some initial "salvation " experience , and some head knowledge of the dead and resurrection of Christ while the heathen who commit not such work will go to hell because they have not the head knowledge of the death and resurrection of Christ ?
F. Is that what the scripture teaches and what the scripture means by saying "for when the gentile who have not the law do by nature the things contain in the law , these having not a law are a law unto themselves ? Does not the scriptures teaches that will be there hope in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men ? (Romans 2v 13-16). G. Can any have living faith without works ? H. What is a dead faith ? is it faith with works or faith without works ? I. Show me your faith by your doctrines and I will show you my faith by my works. (James2v 14-26). J. Did not the apostle not spoke against those that claim they know God but in works deny Him ? (Titus 1v 16) 3.A.If a few disciples in the early Church turn the world upside down , how come so called Christians nation with all there thousands of preachers and still the world is turning Christianity up side down. B. Is something not wrong with most of the preaching because it is not borne out of a practical reality but outward head knowledge ? C. Will it be right to say most of the preachers should stop preaching and humbly seek the face of God until they hear something like " I am sending you, go and preach my words in your mouth and fear not there faces or what to lose ? E. If Christians nations should be a light to the world how comes any nations dominated by "Christians" is either like the heathen or worst than the heathen , what is the cause ? F. With the rampant increase of bibles, Christian books, sermons, healing crusades , bible colleages in Christian nations , why are things getting worst instead of better ? 4. A. Is it possible for men to perish or not and why ? is it they repent or not ? . B. "He spake also this parable; A certain [man] had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none. Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground? And he answering said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung [it]:And if it bear fruit, [well]: and if not, [then] after that thou shalt cut it down." (Luke 13v6-9). Why was the fig tree cut down , was it because it bears fruit or not ? C. Who are the pharisees , are they those who say and do not or those who say and do ? E. How many will call HIM " Lord Lord " and still will not make it to Haven , are they few or many and why ? It it because they do inequity or they do not iniquity ? F. The apostle wrote about the condemnation of those that left the right way of the Lord after escaping the pollution of the world through the knowledge of Jesus Christ , where this in the faith before they backslide or not ? It it still possible to lose the faith and backslide today as it was or not ? (1peter 1v1-22). G.Who are resurrected to life , is it those who do evil or those who do good ? and can Christ resurrect within any who is in evil ? (John 5v28-29) H. Why do men hate the true light of Christ is it because they love good or because they love evil? I. If any hears the words of Christ and do them not , will he be condemn on the day of judgment or not ? (John 12v 48) J. Who are the first that will be last in the hereafter , are they be men of high esteem in religious Christendom or not ? How many few or many ? 4. A. Are we predesignated to manifest the pure image of Christ or the fallen image of sin ? B. Is any possessing the predestination who is in sin ? C. What does it mean God choose to be conform to the image of his son by HIS forknowlegde ? Does not this mean everyone that is created by God since calvary is predestinated to be conform to Christ image ? And what does the scripture mean by saying God created man in HIS image, is that not predestination ? D. Are there not other men who could have been born into this world but because of the foreknowledge of God they will never be born or created for ever ? E. Does not this mean to everyman since Calvary there is a promised to be predestine to Christ image but not all receive the condition of the promise because either they never responded or they were backsliden ? F. Is predestination not a promise to be fulfill in us and none is in it except the one who has the holy image manifest in him ? G. Are we not told in the scripture to be followers of those who through faith and patience inherit the promise ? I. Does the Holy spirit convict men of sin or convince men to sin ? or those he approve sin or reprove it ?
_________________ JAMES F JARJOU
| 2011/6/13 5:56 | Profile | mkal Member
Joined: 2007/10/8 Posts: 49 Minnesota
| Re: Some queries about "Western Christianity " | | bakary....I only have tears for our churches.
Jesus said, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled." Then we could also say - Cursed are those who hunger and thirst for religion, for they shall be left empty.
Like Israel of old, we think our religion is good enough. God spoke to the people and said of their offerings: "They have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them. When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you; even if you offer many prayers, I will not listen" (Isa. 1).
When will God open his eyes to us again? When will he fill us? When we become thirsty - when we come back to the cross: "Come let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow." |
| 2011/6/14 0:35 | Profile |
| Re: Some queries about "Western Christianity " | | These are excellent questions that Bakary has given.
"If one is not yet under the new covenant , is he not to be control by the moral law of God even as the scriptures teaches ? (1Timothy 1v8-10) Why do some professing Christians , especially some of those in the west think that fornicators, adulterers, drunkard, liars etc will at least make heaven because they had some initial "salvation " experience , and some head knowledge of the dead and resurrection of Christ while the heathen who commit not such work will go to hell because they have not the head knowledge of the death and resurrection of Christ ?"
I really believe these two questions alone reveal a large part of the deception of "Modern American Christianity." People are taught "antinomianism"- that one can be saved in rebellion to God's moral law ("antinomia" meaning against the law). Most are deceived into believing that how one lives doesn't necessarily have anything to do with whether one is saved. What a lie!
Jesus said that he came not to destroy the law, but to fulfill it (Matthew 5:17-18). Galatians 5:18 makes clear that only those led of the Spirit are not under the law; while Galatians 5:16 and Romans 8:1-4 show that those who walk after the Spirit don't fulfill the lust of the flesh and thus have the righteousness of the law fulfilled in them by the Spirit. Proverbs 28:9 is clear that if anyone does not hear the law (it's diagnosis of sin and command to repent) their prayer shall be abomination. Yet multitudes have prayed a prayer for salvation in Jesus who have not heard the law and submitted to Christ (whose words fulfill the law). So can a person in such a case claim salvation? The scripture in 1 Timothy 1:8-11 that Bakary gave shows that those who live contrary to the sound doctrine of the gospel are still under the law. Yet to those who have been deceived by antinomianism that is heresy! Sadly, it's all many have ever heard. That's why we really need to look at the scriptures honestly and cast off the bad influences our culture has gave us. There is no other way to be saved from this deception.
Many don't know the difference between the moral and ceremonial law, and many don't want to know in order to justify their sin. Things like keeping the sabbath, the feasts, new moons, etc were a shadow of the reality that's in Christ and we are told in the New Covenant that we are not required to observe these things. "Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ." (Colossians 2:16-17) It is clear from this passage that abiding in Christ is the substance of which these things were a shadow of. The law that the Bible does say we must submit to in the New Covenant is the law of Christ, the moral law of God which Jesus expounded in his teachings, notably in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapters 5-7 and which the Apostles have applied in the rest of the New Testament (Matthew 5:17-18, Galatians 6:2, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12). With that considered, the difference between the moral law of God which never passes away (Matthew 5:18) and the ceremonial law which was only for Israel under the Old Covenant is not difficult to discern.
This does something to explain some other questions our brother has asked. "Why do the devil find it more easier to penetrate so called Christian nations through perversion than the heathen ?" "If Christians nations should be a light to the world how comes any nations dominated by "Christians" is either like the heathen or worst than the heathen , what is the cause ?"
Edit: I should have said that the evil which has caused antinomian doctrine to become so well accepted in America is the exceeding lust of the people to live in pleasure/comfort, even to the point of offending God's law blatantly. People have sought an excuse for that and have heard what they wanted. With that, many have capitalized on that lust by teaching antinomian doctrine, thus gaining acceptance/good pay from the people rather than facing rejection/uncertain income. It reminds me of the"sellout" of God which allows the people to have what they want and the 'religious men" to have what they want which Paris Reidhead spoke of in "Ten Shekels and a Shirt."
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." (2 Timothy 4:3-4)
| 2011/6/14 3:15 | | bakary Member
Joined: 2010/10/6 Posts: 169 GAMBIA, WEST AFRICA
| Re: | | I highly agree with both of your comments Friends. Bless
_________________ JAMES F JARJOU
| 2011/6/14 9:05 | Profile | Koheleth Member
Joined: 2005/11/10 Posts: 530 NC
| Re: Some queries about "Western Christianity " | | Quote:
Some queries about "Western Christianity "
I will attempt to give answers to some, as God has permitted.
There is a religious spirit which is not of God but a mixture of humanistic western culture which is polluting the the nations of the world . . . . Thank God , HE has a remnant both in the west and other nations who are not bowing under its power.
Western culture has not exclusively perverted the gospel, although this thought is so ingrained in some circles that other suggestions will not be entertained. I know of a ministry in another continent (non-western) where the gospel has succumbed to the culture there. The problems of mankind are not unique to "the west". The are global and human-wide.
1.A. If a very large percentage of western Christians are mainly elderly and old people , what is the cause of it and what will happen to there youthful generation when the generation of the fathers are no more ?
The number of true Christians is, I believe, on the increase. There have been a few small moves of God in North America over the past few decades that have swept in a new batch of first-generation Christians who have broken out of the mold that caused mid-20th-century Christianity to stagnate. So, I am encouraged on this front. The main danger is that North American Christians are growing up amid such affluence and comfort, they may not realize how unprepared they are for persecution. May God prepare all of us.
B. Are western Christians interceding for there youthful generation or are they blind of the dangers ahead ?
As always, there is a remnant who is concerned and interceding. It is small, but committed.
C. Are there western Christians who fear to use the rod of love and correction against there Kids as the the scriptures teaches because the laws of there government forbid it ?
This is not forbidden in the United States. I believe in most other countries there is a need to use wise caution, but there are definitely parents there who understand how to raise their children according to the Scriptures. These are a very small proportion of all professing Christians, but they are out there.
H. Is this not fleshy youthful emotions which dictate them in choosing there life partner or is it the spirit of God ?
From my personal observations, young Christians are drawn more by infatuation, appearance, and hormones than they are aware of.
D. Now if a married man for example is seduced by a sensual woman , and he divorce his wife purposely to married that woman, is that not plain covering up Adultery ? Is such a one not on his way to hell fire where the worms never die but to torment sinners and backsliders?
Of course.
D. Is the natural strength and endurance of the heathen stronger than the power of Christ in so called Christian nations?
No. I think one of the problems happening here is that we have not made a distinction between the "Western church culture" and Christians. Immorality is rampant in the "church culture". There is adultery, pornography, and all types of other sin run ramptant and unchecked. But no so among those who follow Christ.
D. Why do the devil find it more easier to penetrate so called Christian nations through perversion than the heathen ?
Believe me, the devil has the heathen well in his grasp, and they do not escape easily. Just look at what happens when the gospel is taken into a heathen land.
F. Why do some professing Christians , especially some of those in the west think that fornicators, adulterers, drunkard, liars etc will at least make heaven because they had some initial "salvation " experience , and some head knowledge of the dead and resurrection of Christ while the heathen who commit not such work will go to hell because they have not the head knowledge of the death and resurrection of Christ ?
Your answer is simple. Professing Christians, as you call them, believe this because they do not know God. The only profess to or claim to. True Christians do not believe this. They never have and never will.
G. Can any have living faith without works ?
3.A.If a few disciples in the early Church turn the world upside down , how come so called Christians nation with all there thousands of preachers and still the world is turning Christianity up side down.
Obviously the quality of Christians is not the same as in the days of the apostles.
B. Is something not wrong with most of the preaching because it is not borne out of a practical reality but outward head knowledge ?
This is always a danger to be aware of in educated nations. However, it does not have to exclude Christ. Paul was well educated. Of course, he considered his education to be equivalent to dung.
J. Who are the first that will be last in the hereafter , are they be men of high esteem in religious Christendom or not ? How many few or many ?
My friend, you ask many difficult questions.
I. Does the Holy spirit convict men of sin or convince men to sin ?
To look around, you might think the latter. Thank God we can look to him and his word, where it plainly says he will convict men of their sin! |
| 2011/6/14 11:19 | Profile | bakary Member
Joined: 2010/10/6 Posts: 169 GAMBIA, WEST AFRICA
| Re: | | Good contribution koheleth yet I will love to speak a little on some of your views . "Western culture has not exclusively perverted the gospel, although this thought is so ingrained in some circles that other suggestions will not be entertained. I know of a ministry in another continent (non-western) where the gospel has succumbed to the culture there. The problems of mankind are not unique to "the west". The are global and human-wide." "Friend if you ever visited Africa you will you will know of how the white man or the western man is greatly esteem and has so much influence here. Who brought the Christian religion here in africa the past centuries I will not use the word true Gospel for there is not much of it brought here . What mostly is being brought here is mostly religion not the Divine Life that comes from the gospel. In the normal religious world Christainity in Africa is majorly influence by the west. Think of present Evil doctrines like Prosperity, eternal security or one safe for ever safe and you will find that the pioneers of such heresies are western either all or 99% of the major erroneous doctrine have there source and origin from the west and being brough here. This is what I mean by the "western Gospel" the colon shows that it does not literally mean the gospel in the west. God have plenty of HIS True saint in the west for the majority of proffesing Christians I think are from the west except the statistics change today because of the present sad situation of your youthful generation. "I wrote" Why do the devil find it more easier to penetrate so called Christian nations through perversion than the heathen ?
you wrote "Believe me, the devil has the heathen well in his grasp, and they do not escape easily. Just look at what happens when the gospel is taken into a heathen land." Me: When I wrote "more easier " It prove the fact that I do not deny the enemy does attack the heathen but why instead of expecting greater perversions in heathen Land look at the high rate of high divorce, homosexuality , immorality and the extreme perverseness of most western youth in a rate far higher than the youths in the heathen etc and you will see what we are saying clearer. I wrote "Is this not fleshy youthful emotions which dictate them in choosing there life partner or is it the spirit of God ? " you wrrote From my personal observations, young Christians are drawn more by infatuation, appearance, and hormones than they are aware of. Me: No this is not an excuse I am not yet so old , I am 27 yrs and still not not married with other saints here all in our twenties or below , the Lord have shown us to stand against the abominable livestyle . There was a time I ask this issue to some western Christian friend but only one of them even answer privately the other mouth were shut up. I was amazed , and found this to be a reason why some pentecostal preachers find it not an evil , youth making boy friend and girl friend and before you know sin comes in and death comes in. The Lord have us to be seperate and lean on HIS leanding in all things. The power of the Gospel does not recognize age for it is never about what man can do but what God can do in man. I wrote "Quote:
J. Who are the first that will be last in the hereafter , are they be men of high esteem in religious Christendom or not ? How many few or many ?
You wrote: "My friend, you ask many difficult questions." If you cannot answer it there is not any need to complain for I am doing what HE ask me to do, my friend.
_________________ JAMES F JARJOU
| 2011/6/14 13:50 | Profile |
| Re: | | Brother Bakary, do you know how many Brothers from Africa that I have heard from? What you are saying is True.
WE are the biggest exporters of Heretics and Pornography this world has ever seen.
I was asking earlier if 'we' as the church are "turning the world upside down" as the first church did and then I went offline to pray again and heard - "NO, the church is allowing itself to be turned upside down by the world" - with it's Seeker Sensitive Movement - it's "Unity Movement" that's forming into the One World Religion - the Television that we sit in front of - our lack of Hunger for The Living WORD - our endorsing heretics so that they are empowered to corrupt the world - our easy-believism, where we don't hunger to go continuously Deeper-Still and on and on our involvement with this world and it's 'things' goes.
I write in tears dear saint. Woe onto US.
| 2011/6/14 14:01 | | bakary Member
Joined: 2010/10/6 Posts: 169 GAMBIA, WEST AFRICA
| Re: | | Amen Jesus -is -God you are so true we all need to walk up from our coldness and buy the tried Gold he has counsel us to buy that we might see and walk with him without our nakedness being discover. Something is going on, we need to wake up _________________ JAMES F JARJOU
| 2011/6/14 14:11 | Profile |
| Re: | |
Brother, GOD Bless and give you the courage to make a difference where you live as well and please continue to pray that we'll do the same. Amen?
| 2011/6/14 14:40 | | bakary Member
Joined: 2010/10/6 Posts: 169 GAMBIA, WEST AFRICA
| Re: | | Amen my sister, we need your prayers, too. _________________ JAMES F JARJOU
| 2011/6/14 14:43 | Profile |